I am Jason. I’m new to trading. Just want to learn what it is about and possibly get into the actual trading.
Welcome Jason. Wishing you all the best for your better future in this field.
yeah cheer bro
Hello, Forex trading is something that requires enough skills and experience to get success. It has no short way to make money.
May you make a good trading career in the forex market.
Hello and welcome to the community! Keep learning and improving with time.
Hi and welcome to the platform. You can visit the School of Pipsology section for the courses.
Start with demo trading and then, go for live trading. You need to practice before you risk any of your money.
Hello. Welcome to this platform. You can keep exploring and expanding your knowledge about the market here.
Welcome to the forum, good luck on your journey.
Hi and welcome to the community! You have come to the right place before continuing your journey in the live forex market. It can be difficult at times to make the right decisions. But if you have learnt well and understand what is happening, you can achieve great returns.