Introduction, saying hi, y'all!

My Name is Oland. New to trading. Live in Birmingham, AL area. I am 75 years old and soon to retire from my government job! Very little experience in market but have a son that is very successful.!

Welcome aboard. As long as you can read and press keys on a desktop, it’s simple but not easy. Maybe your son can help with the basics, by opening a demo account for you to practice and experiment, and for you to learn how to trade properly from this great education site.

Best of luck.

most welcome in this educational forum , this forum is full of education , hope you will be benefited from there.

success is a big deal in this marketplace, need a long time of experience to bring any kind of success , so patience needed first of all.

success is a very short time issue in Forex trading , it actually not lasting , so never excited when got success, should try to maintain the consistency level of success.

try to learn from own trading , this is a best way to bring good knowledge and experience.

Hello and welcome! You are in a great place to learn! Best of luck on your new journey!

Welcome to the community, Oland. Lucky for you that you have someone to guide you. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Hey Oland, welcome to the community. Babypips is the best place to start learning.

Hi. I’ve just joined the community and am looking forward to learning how to trade forex. I am nervous and excited too.