Introduction to baby pips

Hi all. I’m a complete newbie to any sort of trading. From England. Looking for something new in my life

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Welcome welcome. :blush: If you’re looking for something new, then forex could be a great new challenge for you. :blush: Have you started with the school here? :slight_smile:

Hello! What makes you interested in forex trading? Do you know someone who’s into this field? Good luck and enjoy your new journey!

I’m interested in learning new things and I have a friend who is also wanting to learn this. I want it to grow my knowledge of something different

Ahh. It’s great to have someone going through the same journey! Good luck to both of you!

Thank you. What’s your story?

I also started with the free course here. Right now, my friends and I are into crypto trading.

Welcome to the forum! Where abouts in England? I’m in Kent!

Near birmingham

Thanks for the welcome

Hello @Ralph2019, welcome to this forum, you can ask any question you like, and people will try to help, but as with any advice on the internet, take it with a pinch of salt and don’t just follow it blindly.