Introduction to myself

hello dudes my name is Huzaifa I am new to trading hope to have good time here.I want to make more many friends and work togheter.

Hi HuzaifaO

Welcome to the forum.

I wish you luck in your trading journey.

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Hello and welcome,
Baby pips is a supportive community, and there are many experienced and also beginner members here who are happy to help. I hope your trading goes well.

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Hi all.
Glad to join your community.

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Hi welcome. I am new too. I was signed up to smartcharts and Greg seckers course but I feel like I needed to learn more first…so here goes. Thank you for creating this informative site.

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Welcome Huzaifa! Hope you’re enjoying your stay here. Remember to be consistent in your efforts to learn and be patient in this journey. Good luck!

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Hi EDangelo! Are you new or trading already? Looking forward to hearing more about your trading journey! See you around!

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Hi KelticTiger! How are things going for you? Have you started with the School of Pipsology? It’s a great place to learn the basics of forex trading.

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Thank you for the prompt! I better get studying!

Welcome to the community! @HuzaifaO @EDangelo @KelticTiger

This is a great place to learn. You’ll find plenty of helpful resources and friendly folks to guide you along the way. Happy learning!

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@chimmyfx thank you

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