Hey everyone, my name is Elite_Pro. l started forex back in December 2019 and l have been on this journey till now. l have always heard about Babypips l think around 2020 but never really joined the community, but today finally I overcame my procrastination and joined the community. Even though am still struggling with consistency in the market, I have learnt a number of things in my few years in this journey and would like to share my knowledge with anyone that is open to taking and am also open to learning more from the community and hopefully we can also understand and become consistent traders in the Forex market.
Hi and welcome to the community! Nice to see experienced traders joining here. Looking forward to hearing more about your trading journey. See you around!
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I look forward to sharing it and hearing from other traders
Welcome to the community, @Elite_Pro. Good luck on your fx trading journey. Hope to hear more from you.