Introduction to trading

Hi everyone. Happy to be here, I can’t wait to learn more about trading. Hope it will be a fruitful journey.

Hello and welcome! There’s so much to learn here. Take your time and be patient in this journey. Good luck!


Welcome, study hard!!

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Welcome @LeratoNgubane05. Be patient in your learning journey and just follow the instructions given. You can tweak them later on as you become a pro trader. It will highly pay-off in the end.

  1. You will understand the lessons very well and learn to follow instructions
  2. When you start trading, from your patient mindset you have obtained during the course of the lesson will also help you during your trading journey and also the discipline of follow the instructions given will also help in sticking obeying to your own strategies/rules after you have create them.
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Welcome to the community, @LeratoNgubane05. It will be as fruitful as how much effort you put into learning. Good luck on your fx trading journey.