
my name is country is Kenya. I am new to forex trading and wish to know more and become knowledgeble.So far I have incured losses but I take them as a learning opportunity.

Hi Felix
IF you wish you can follow my trading method application live. I have posted its rules and will be posting the trades based on it live for 100 trades -refer to my post “FX Traders Challenge - 100 Live Trades” under “holy grail” forums
Once you read my method, if you require further guidance feel free to ask

Hi there, I am fxpirana. Ever since I found out about forex trading I loved it. The volatility, the liquidity and the ability to make profits when the market is bull or bear, was quite appealing. Not to forget, the 24/7 and the flexibility and independence.
However, not everything was as easy as it looked.
How can I find the balance between FX Trading and Life? How can I find a simple method (not a system) that would be effective?

For a while I felt that it was not possible to have a really simple method and at the same time be able to stay away from the computer and enjoy life with my wife…Until now…

For the next 100 trades I enter, I will post them here as they happen. I am not much of a live stream user or youtube or those social media, more an old fashion way guy…so I will (if it is possible here) post a print screen of my method rules and also my trades as they happen LIVE.

The Benefits of my Simple Method:

  1. Focus: Less is more, quality not quantity
  2. Action: Whilst I don’t get a hundred trades a week, I get enough trades to keep me happy
  3. Growth: Using a very conservative money management approach of 2% of the last bank will still generate growth whilst ensuring preservation of capital
  4. Balance: I can still go to the beach everyday! (for as long as there is beach weather of course!) and not miss out on my trades
  5. Fun: I love trading and I want it to continue being enjoyable

Please read my posts as I will list the rules of my method which will be applied to the FX Traders Challenge - 100 Live Trades, the start up bank I will use as of today 6th Feb 2017 and the live trades I will be posting as soon as I trade them. There might be some 5-15min lag at the beginning until I get use to do this quickly!

unlimited in wealth from bull or bear
abundant and fulfilling because I dare…

happy trading, fxpirana

Nice hijack fxpirana, classy

Felix, click on the school tab above and get studying. Best wishes