Introvert Wife and Mom

Hey all! I’m Tequila, married mom of 2 sons. I’m excited to join the community so I can add another layer of support for my children. Building a legacy is my main goal, so this will be taught to my 15 year old as well. He has a heart for adventure, so having money at his disposal is the tool he can use to fuel his dream. Excited to get started to learn this skill for myself and my family.


Good luck :crossed_fingers:

Keep calm, cool and collected, focus on learning and let rewards, if any, take care of themselves.

There is no short cut to eventual success. Best of luck.

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Take it slow, only use money you can afford to lose. Be prepared that 90%+ fail.

Hey Tequila! I wish you everysuccess, any q’s feel free to ask. I am also considering teaching my older daughter about trading, but I’m not convinced she has the maturity yet. Also, she spends so much time on screens anyway I don’t want to encourage more!