Inversiones segundo semestre 2020

Six months ago, investors were looking for signs of recession, but a global pandemic was not on their list of possible catalysts. Now, while infections can be contained in many countries, the capacity and equipment to handle new outbreaks is increased.

For investors, the Covid-19 has accelerated existing economic and social trends. Furthermore, there are some structural trends that are profoundly changing the world and, as a result, present investment opportunities. First off, the Covid-19 underscored our inescapable dependence on technology and rapidly changing consumer preferences. The rise of online commerce, telecommuting and educational tools have accelerated digitization. On the other hand, the profound demographic changes imply greater demands on health care, and many countries were poorly prepared for the pandemic, which is highly likely to involve significant investments in this sector. Furthermore, the world faces the urgent need for rapid decarbonisation. Consumer pressure, regulation and innovations are shaping the investment landscape in the transition to a more sustainable economy.

Maintain exposure to risky assets
Add defensive assignments
The investment grade commitment
Identify attractive high-yield assets
Focus on sustainable growth in equities, healthcare and technology
Encourage Asian emerging market equities
The stability of real assets in turbulent markets
The weak dollar
The roller coaster for the pound sterling
Select emerging currencies against the US dollar


Six months ago, investors were looking for signs of recession, but a global pandemic was not on their list of possible catalysts. Now, while infections can be contained in many countries, the capacity and equipment to handle new outbreaks is increased.

For investors, the Covid-19 has accelerated existing economic and social trends. Furthermore, there are some structural trends that are profoundly changing the world and, as a result, present investment opportunities. First off, the Covid-19 underscored our inescapable dependence on technology and rapidly changing consumer preferences. The rise of online commerce, telecommuting and educational tools have accelerated digitization. On the other hand, the profound demographic changes imply greater demands on health care, and many countries were poorly prepared for the pandemic, which is highly likely to involve significant investments in this sector. Furthermore, the world faces the urgent need for rapid decarbonisation. Consumer pressure, regulation and innovations are shaping the investment landscape in the transition to a more sustainable economy.

Maintain exposure to risky assets
Add defensive assignments
The investment grade commitment
Identify attractive high-yield assets
Focus on sustainable growth in equities, healthcare and technology
Encourage Asian emerging market equities
The stability of real assets in turbulent markets
The weak dollar
The roller coaster for the pound sterling
Select emerging currencies against the US dollar…"


Well I’ve read it !

sounds a bit like “Judith Butler” - verbiage without logical meaning !

Would you mind telling us exactly what you are saying please ? :slightly_smiling_face: