Investing 10k. Experienced forex trader alpari or ECN broker

Hello I’m not here on how to make money or which is the best strategy to use. I’m here looking for guidance on choosing a reputable broker. I’m currently with alpari at the moment and also looking into Oanda but by looking on the reviews on here people are saying if you are investing a large sum of 10k. That I should choose an ecn broker so can anyone recommend a ecn broker or should I invest in alpari or Oanda cheers. Look forward to hearing your replys

don’t you want to invest in a broker with high leverage ?

Both of those are big names so your money should be safe. The spreads are not the best but for account security I understand that alpari are FSA regulated and guarantee money if they go bust if you are UK based. Oanda have similar security in the US I think.

whichever brokerage house u choose, make sure that they are straight thru brokers…thats what matters…

I hope this was sarcasm…

As for the original post, try to look for a broker that offers ECN services. Currenex, HotSpot, etc.

why you think it is a sarcasm , i have a friend investing his money in brokers that provides high leverage, he is careful in trading

50:1 should be absolutely sufficient for retail. I can’t imagine anyone really needing more than that and trading properly.

Hello Divinell,

I am trading a demo-account @ Alpari (UK) and would not recommend it, as there are sometimes such huge spikes that are very suspicious to me.
Such a spike occured this night - just take a look at the two Screenshots:

Alpari (UK)

That are the servers that I am trading the Alpari-Account:


One Screenshot is from Alpari (UK) - that one with the huge spike - the other one is from IBFX (but I have also read bad things about them - so I am also still searching for a reliable broker).

Edit: Alpari wrote to me that it was a Price-Feed-Error and in this case they would refund the lost money on a Live-Account, or find a way to fix this error.

Kind regards

may be some traders want to invest less and take more profit so they will try such a high leverage