Hi was wondering if anyone here knows which iphone app has the best charts?
Thankyou sandpipper thats just what i was looking for and better.
Hey NP…I check it all the time when out. If i need texted alerts based on currency price I use www.alertfx.com another freebie.
ty these iphones are worth there weight in gold.
Yeah i like mine. I have had about every expensive smartphone under the sun and although i don’t like apple particularly you have to give them credit for good design. It’s almost like a cell phone user designed it.
Forex On The Go app for iPhone has charts. They’re decent for taking a quick look a the charts.
Hi jason i have that one the only problem is it takes long time to load and when i work i dont have much time for breaks. I tryed iphoneforex and its lot faster ty for your replies.