Is 10% return per month possible?

You are correct in stating that maths do not lie.

So let’s suppose you have a strategy which is profitable but has only modest statistics -
It has a low win rate (60%), a low r:r (1:1.5), a low capital risk per trade (1%), and a low opportunity rate (1 trade per day).

This strategy makes 10% a month. And none of the individual parameters are very ambitious - nobody could say they are impossible. So the question s not whether 10% a month is possible, it is why are we all not doing it?


There’s more factors than just 10% at risk.

Firstly, risk. You aren’t going to risk £1 million on a trade, that’s just crazy. We all have losing trades at some points and once you get so high through compounding you withdraw profits and trade with a reasonable amount.

Secondly your broker doesn’t let you place infinite trade sizes. Most limit it to 50 lots and there’s a limit on maximum positions on a symbol or maximum volume. So that will stop you at some point too.

The reason why most people won’t even achieve a modest return of 10% per month over a long period of time is emotion, greed and narcissism. You think you have it nailed and place bigger and bigger risks, eventually the loss wipes you out.


Yes, it is, even more. This is a very conservative and safe margin. The recommended margin is 2% per day, so for 30 days it adds up to more than 60%.
From my 10 year experience, three qualities are needed to be consistent and successful, strategy strict discipline and patience. It took me years to settle on a strategy, gain patience and maintain discipline.

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When I see people who posit supposedly intelligent arguments such as these I can only shake my head and smile. Like I’ve said a few times already because YOU PERSONALLY cannot run the hundred meters in under 9.6 seconds doesnt mean another individual cannot do it. They ALWAYS come with some extreme scenarios. Isnt it funny how they NEVER EVER happen to mention the person withdrawing ANY of the profits along the way to buy a house or car?
So… what I am being told authoritatively, is that it is impossible for me to start with US$1000.00 and make US$100.00 on that sum in a month for a few years.
I am not even going to reference the trading I’ve been doing and those percentages as per my screenshot a few posts up.
Picture this…the end game is not trading, it is owning a sizeable chunk of shares in the BIGGEST lottery company down here in Jamaica. Forex trading is merely a vehicle to that end. 10% of US$1000.00 is US$100.00 and assuming there are 20 trading days per month that is a paltry goal of US$5.00 per day. Each month I exercise that discipline/consistency thing and religiously withdraw my profits, purchase some shares, and repeat the process all over again starting at my original US$1000.00.
Now how any sensible individual who knows anything about trading could conclude that is impossible is beyond me.
You cant make this stuff up.


i can see that owning a sizeable chunk of shares in the biggest lottery company down there is a very attractive and safe-looking long-term financial aspiration, but i have a question (and i suspect i may not be the only person wondering about it):-

i think the share value - however good an investment - can’t possibly be increasing by anything like 10% per month? and in that case, when you’re steadily and consistently making 10%+ per month from the forex, wouldn’t you do much better leaving some/most/all of the monthly profits in there and compounding that?

even if you did exactly what you’re doing now, but just withdrew all the profits to buy more shares quarterly rather than monthly, wouldn’t you still be far better off in the long run?

forgive me if i’ve misunderstood something …


16 years after the OP and we’re still arguing this question, lol. I can only assume that @ladex142 is living on his own private island now with his billions. I don’t expect a reply because Forex is now probably the furthest thing from his mind.

Cheers to the rest of you who are actually averaging 10% per month yet still hanging out here with us at BP.


Entirely true but we have a saying down here…seven different brothers seven different minds. I personally have no intention to be filthy rich like other people. I simply want me and those in my circle to be comfortable.
No matter how you slice it trading is stressful business and doing it long term as people are suggesting is not for me. The way I choose to approach it is like a game and serves to maintain my health and sanity. Why do you think people like Cue Banks with his how many millions doesnt trade all day every day and amass trillions?


lol, we’ll still be arguing it after another 16 years, too :laughing:

in a sense, it’s quite topical in these parts, given all the recent discussions here about funding companies requiring people to make 10% profit in a month (once, not steadily!) to earn a funded account

(many ask for more like 6% or 8%, rather than 10%)

in the case of FTMO, for example (who do require 10% profit on the nominal sim account, to qualify, though they’ll extend the month to 6 weeks if people are in profit at all and haven’t broken rules), only 8% of people trying it can manage, apparently - but that’s not surprising when you think that there are no entry barriers at all and so many people have an inflated impression of their own skills and abilities?


I like to draw people out and get their responses to questions such as posed by the OP.
That guy further up didnt say “In my opinion”. What he said was It is impossible, which to me sounds like he was stating a fact.


Of course it’s possible, the numbers exist, therefor it’s possible.

Is it achievable though? With the random nature of the markets I would have a hard time believing anyone who said they have actually achieved this over a reasonable time-span.


hello and welcome :slight_smile:
i guess it is not something measurable. it is not something easy to earn. it needs a good risk management and requires a great focus on market also control your emotions…:slight_smile:

As per: :

Larry won the 1987 World Cup Championship of Futures Trading taking $10,000 to over $1,100,000 (11,300%) in a 12-month competition with real money.

94.5% is a lot in a year!

Larry Williams traded futures, not forex. Still, that’s impressive. It just makes you wonder, why not do that process 5 or 6 times? You’d get enough money to buy Earth!

Yet, no one really even knows who he is. He’s not a celebrity, he’s not on Forbes’ wealthiest list.

He’s written several books and has taught several courses. Why? Why do ANYTHING if you can trade like that? If you can trade like that, why work? Why travel and speak? Why not just hang with your family? Why not just pass your free time with your dog or building model airplanes in your garage?

These are questions I’ve asked to traders here on the forum who talk about making steady profits every month with their scalping system or whatever strategy.

Maybe I’m the one who should shut up! Perhaps some people enjoy trading $50 accounts, get 10% a month/week/day and that’s all they want.

Who am I to judge them?

I have no idea what their lives are like, or what their goals are. If they’re trading demo and profit 20%/month, why should I challenge them for not trading live? If they’re fine with it, why do I feel the need to challenge them to trade live?

Sounds like I’m the one with the problem. I should take my frustrations elsewhere.

This is calculated using a interest calculator. It is elementary math that you disagree with. Does it seem Extreme to you. What part is extreme to you. The 10% was given by the poster. The calculation where done on a compound interest calculator. Its Math . You wish 10% a month is possible

Beyond me how people get so offended by simple arithmetic’s. There is no bias here it is MATH. Anyone who thinks it is possible has never traded through a drawdown. You can make MATH up

First place did not even make 10% a month second place made 3% a month

Another glib statement put forward as facts. smh.

And all that from someone who joined the website just over two weeks ago and was asking the above question. I honestly dont know how to respond to something like this, lol.
I give up, you win, 10% is impossible.

Actually, fixing the percentage amount is tough but all depends on trading experience. If you have sufficient trading experience and know well how to maintain money management properly, you can maintain 10% return every month.

i am sure your post was a typo, but that number you posted is 2.655 billion(not trillion).

typo or not, your calculation is not correct.

with a starting balance of $1m, ten percent compounded for 120 months(10 years) will be $92 billion.

  1. 1100000.00
  2. 1210000.00
  3. 1331000.00
  4. 1464100.00
  5. 1610510.00
  6. 1771561.00
  7. 1948717.10
  8. 2143588.81
  9. 2357947.69
  10. 2593742.46
  11. 2853116.71
  12. 3138428.38
  13. 3452271.21
  14. 3797498.34
  15. 4177248.17
  16. 4594972.99
  17. 5054470.28
  18. 5559917.31
  19. 6115909.04
  20. 6727499.95
  21. 7400249.94
  22. 8140274.94
  23. 8954302.43
  24. 9849732.68
  25. 10834705.94
  26. 11918176.54
  27. 13109994.19
  28. 14420993.61
  29. 15863092.97
  30. 17449402.27
  31. 19194342.50
  32. 21113776.75
  33. 23225154.42
  34. 25547669.86
  35. 28102436.85
  36. 30912680.53
  37. 34003948.59
  38. 37404343.44
  39. 41144777.79
  40. 45259255.57
  41. 49785181.12
  42. 54763699.24
  43. 60240069.16
  44. 66264076.08
  45. 72890483.69
  46. 80179532.05
  47. 88197485.26
  48. 97017233.78
  49. 106718957.16
  50. 117390852.88
  51. 129129938.17
  52. 142042931.98
  53. 156247225.18
  54. 171871947.70
  55. 189059142.47
  56. 207965056.72
  57. 228761562.39
  58. 251637718.63
  59. 276801490.49
  60. 304481639.54
  61. 334929803.50
  62. 368422783.85
  63. 405265062.23
  64. 445791568.45
  65. 490370725.30
  66. 539407797.83
  67. 593348577.61
  68. 652683435.37
  69. 717951778.91
  70. 789746956.80
  71. 868721652.48
  72. 955593817.73
  73. 1051153199.50
  74. 1156268519.45
  75. 1271895371.40
  76. 1399084908.53
  77. 1538993399.39
  78. 1692892739.33
  79. 1862182013.26
  80. 2048400214.59
  81. 2253240236.04
  82. 2478564259.65
  83. 2726420685.61
  84. 2999062754.17
  85. 3298969029.59
  86. 3628865932.55
  87. 3991752525.81
  88. 4390927778.39
  89. 4830020556.23
  90. 5313022611.85
  91. 5844324873.03
  92. 6428757360.34
  93. 7071633096.37
  94. 7778796406.01
  95. 8556676046.61
  96. 9412343651.27
  97. 10353578016.40
  98. 11388935818.04
  99. 12527829399.84
  100. 13780612339.82
  101. 15158673573.80
  102. 16674540931.19
  103. 18341995024.30
  104. 20176194526.73
  105. 22193813979.41
  106. 24413195377.35
  107. 26854514915.08
  108. 29539966406.59
  109. 32493963047.25
  110. 35743359351.98
  111. 39317695287.17
  112. 43249464815.89
  113. 47574411297.48
  114. 52331852427.23
  115. 57565037669.95
  116. 63321541436.94
  117. 69653695580.64
  118. 76619065138.70
  119. 84280971652.57
  120. 92709068817.83

I am of the opinion that it is possible to average 10% per month over a long period. But maintaining 10% returns each and every month is not something you can count on. What may happen is a scenario where you may make for example as high as 30% on one particular month, only to make 0% or even a negative on the next one. But calculating over a period of say 2 years, it is possible to have an average 10% per month. Remember that trading results are determined by the market conditions. Not our individual ambitions.

Yup. I have been trading using a small account and I was up 20% last year but that’s for an entire year, definitely far from 10% per month.

If i remember correctly. 1.89% per month compounded for twelve months is 25%