Same broken record, same old mantra…quash newbie expectations so low that blowing their account or making 2% for the month is the expected result… Instead of quoting huge numbers and wheeling out Industry propaganda, please point out where the flaw lies in this exercise and we can have a serious debate…
I’ll expand on how this exercise is relevant at the end of the thread… next week.
Sustainable… It doesn’t need to be… 25% will be reached within 7-8 days exposure to the markets, and what, with the success rate achieved so unbelievable (according to some), I can effectively have the next 13 or so trading days off… sit on the beach…and come back fresh in June and do it all again…
Day 4 - 3.6% return… A quiet day with a mix of SW strategy and residual (35min after) NFP price action … No trading took place during the NFP release…
Same formula on the same $1197.84 account (Day 3 close)… up to $1235.58 (Day 4 close)
1:1 RR / 1.2% risk (14 pips) / $99 Margin (3 pos. max ) Non believers… feel free to verify with your charts…
Account has increased by 18.1% (184.3 pips) in 4 days…
1 active position remains open on the USDJPY, ($22 Drawdown…) A cost of doing business…
Note: The OP’s question was “Is 25% a month possible”. At the same time on another thread a question was raised “How much profit can l REALISTICALLY make trading starting with 500 dollars” which after I realised the OP was referring to Binaries, I left alone…
In any case, I didn’t have a $500 account laying around, only $1027.00 account which I break off my larger accounts all the time (explained in many of my posts) as part of my risk mitigation strategy…
So this is the LIVE account I started this exercise with… It’s also more likely the account size that a newbie or inexperienced trader should be starting with and can hopefully apply this risk profile.