If you make profit for 100$ in your demo account, FxBase credits 10 $ in your real account. It is true…
I did not listen anything about this or such offer. Number of traders win in demo account and lose in real account. So, it is good offer. (If it is true.)
some traders will be change their brokers due to losing… so that time losing trade peoples want some another
broker… before going to live account must be check demo account…
In demo account we use virtual currency not real. Therefore I have doubt that offer “10 $ in your real account.” is true.
10 $ is not money as i think
no doubt mate… my friend get money from fxbase… it is real…
no soly… 10$ is the money… it is true…
ya… It is true… my friend was get money from fxbase… it is real one… you dont have any doubt…
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