Is Deltastock a trustable broker?

I am new to forex just wanted to know if Deltastock is a trustable broker

Where is Dale when you need him?

I can’t comment as I haven’t used them but Dale (who is a verified broker for them and appears like a really nice guy) will no doubt comment…

Thanks for the reply
,i will wait for him and i would love to hear other peoples opinion .


That’s the nicest thing anybody has said about me in YEARS (AND it’s by birthday today i.e. 46-years old and ‘going downhill fast’ as 50-years old is ‘just around the corner’)!!! LOL!!!

My apologies for my ‘tardiness’ in replying Aimann49 (which is LARGELY due to the fact that I’m sitting with a veritable MOUND of paperwork on my desk trying frantically to complete some documents for submission to our Financial Services Board FINALLY)!!!

Look: OBVIOUSLY you know what I’m going to say. Then again: maybe not. Put it this way: Deltastock is not the ONLY decent and honorable broker around BUT they are most certainly one of only a handful of THAT I’m sure.

Let me also make this clear (which should put your mind at ease): I ‘speak’ to you as a TRADER i.e. this association of mine with Deltastock is only about a year, maybe a year-and-a-half, old. I traded with them for at least three years (maybe a bit more i.e. it seems like a lifetime ago) and have NEVER had any problems WITH ANYTHING. ‘Once in a blue moon’ there has been a data error (which just cannot be avoided in this business) and they have corrected the problem and re-instated the position before I even had a chance to ‘get onto the blower’ to them. That doesn’t happen with too many brokers let me tell you i.e. they’ll wait and hope that you DO NOT see the error or don’t understand WHY the error and may be to embarrassed to ask (and on this particular subject I believe I have to give IBFX ‘their due’ because I read somewhere on a thread the other day that they TOO ‘play fair’).

I could go into one of my EXTRA LONG explanations as to WHY Deltastock is ‘the finest’ but I’ve already posted such details ‘several majestic times’ on the Internet so if you don’t mind here’s a link to one of my posts (which, ASIDE from noting how wonderful Deltastock is, ALSO gives you a VERY good idea of which types of brokers to STAY AWAY from based on my own past and bitter ‘starting out experience’):

DeltaStock Review And Rating, | Myfxbook

Of course: take a look at all of Deltastock’s ‘accolades’ i.e. they’re registered with many regulatory bodies in different countries (in addition to the ones that are detailed on their website which I’ll detail for you if interested and South Africa soon to follow), client funds are segregated and insured, they offer fixed or variable spreads, the choice of dealing desk or NDD/STP/ECN trading through their L2 platform (with spreads on, for example, EUR/USD, that ‘hover’ mostly between 0.1 and 0.5 pips), what more could you want??? LOL!!! But everything you need to know is, of course, on their website as well.

What I always do tell people though: don’t take ANYBODYS word for stuff like this. ‘Scour’ the broker review sites to see what other traders think. Unfortunately you have to use a bit of ‘discretion’ though i.e sometimes there are posts by traders who have just wiped out their last few dollars and are looking for ANYONE to blame (and of course the broker is ‘first in line’) and then there are also what I call ‘broker plants’ (‘the competition’ that tried to ‘mess’ with another broker’s ratings). But if you read carefully you’ll see certain ‘patterns’ emerging i.e. ‘common’ compliments or ‘common’ gripes. Those are the ones that count.

Of course: if you decide to go the ‘Deltastock route’ well, then, you will have my UNDIVIDED ATTENTION (and feel free also to take a look at the forums that I run in my personal capacity i.e. which are pretty much ‘Deltastock specific’).

As I say: please do remember that I give you advice as a TRADER with experience with them i.e. my ‘broker representative status’ isn’t the way I earn a living I assure you.

If I can be of any help: please do let me know. As you will be able to tell by the number of posts (although mostly ‘inane’ I would imagine) I DO try to help to the best of my ability.

Whichever ‘broker route’ you go: I wish you all of the success in the world. Just ‘be careful out there’. This business can ‘make or break’ you (with or WITHOUT the ‘aid’ of an unscrupulous broker)!!! LOL!!!



Happy birthday Dale! Hope you pick up some birthday pips!


THANK YOU!!! I appreciate that.

As ‘luck’ (and J. Welles Wilder Jnr.) would have it I’m short the Dow and the FTSE100 since yesterday so I guess there’s my ‘birthday points (pips)’!!! LOL!!!

But thanks again.

