Is FBS good or sammy?

I am a beginner and decided to register with FBS because that’s the first thing I saw when I googled forex brokers, but now I’m regretting my decision because basically everywhere I look, I see something bad about them.
Closing accounts with $27,000 in them, withdrawal issues, and moving traders’ stop losses are just some of the things I have seen, so I have a question.
Anybody who has used FBS in the past, what is your experience with the broker and if you had a bad one, which broker did you end up switching to

I have been using FBS for over a year and have had nothing to complain about. Deposits are easy and withdrawals have been instant. I have not researched extensively online but can only tell you what I’ve experienced.

We all do.

It looks like their affiliates’ idea of marketing is to spam forums, offering “links”.

That’s dreadfully offputting and typically a sign of a “brokerage” in trouble.

I don’t know about “sammy” but it certainly looks both scammy and spammy, doesn’t it? :wink:

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Members seeing the post above by “MidnightTraderTH” might want to know that he is an incentivized FBS affiliate.

He made 6 or 7 posts here trying to promote his affiliate link. I reported all his posts, and the moderators have now removed all of his posts apart from this one (purportedly a good review of this bad broker). Just be aware that at the time that post was made, it was part of a spamming campaign! :roll_eyes: