Is forex ambush 2.0 a scam?

Has anyone tried the new version of this product? I understand that manually doing trading is the way to go but surely some people must use some automated tools?

Can anyone recommend any good tools (Software) that they use?


[B]Be safe - Get Firefox[/B]

Most automated softwares, if not all are crap.

1st of all they do have errors in their system so 100% accuracy is bs, 2nd they dont send that many signals (I only got 1-3/ week so far), 3rd I send 2 refund requests and got no reply from them…

I asked for a refund as well. Didn’t happen!
Please don’t use it, it is great for trading against.
Average DD is 200 pips or margin call!! Lol
I blew 8k, trust me, fa, is as unethical as it gets.
I wanted sir pips to look into it, but idonthave sufficient rank.
Maybe someone else can?
Ironically they just sent me an apolgy for the eur/jpy!!
They just bluw all the customers accounts again. They should haveclosed shop after the last eur/jpy.
Try asking for help, they sell junk to fx newbies and guarantee a mc!!
my Fxcm, fxdd, and tadawulfx were all blown.
I would love to see a fa guy respond to this…
Just walk away or keep a log if you trade against it!


I made some really good profits with FA but they buy their signals from another source and if you read the post you will know where from. Their customer support is horrible. These people or whoever they are should be put out of business. The signal origination HQ…I do have to admit that emails are answered and there are professional standards and he does truly care about his signals.
I think forexabush ambushed all their members…I blew up two accounts. The first time my autotrade escaped with profit but I blew up my manual account twice with their money management rules. The second time January 2010 Eur/Jpy trade I was margined called after following the money management rules…OOOPS. Shame on me.

My advice to anyone considering this signal service: Use the signal origination HQ. FA is useless and should be run to the ground and out of business. It does now work…their auto trade margin called their customers twice. I lost over 10k.

This is their newsletter…customer support does not exist?

This is the second letter on the second bad signal.

We would like to extend our sincere apologies for what happened
with the last signal.

Our signals have always been 100% accurate but this time, we have
to admit that outside forces made it wrong. Our artificial
intelligence was not able to detect a new anomaly in the market.
This new market variable will be fully investigated and the
artificial intelligence engine will be updated to detect it in the

We were very sure of the accuracy of the last signal when we sent
it out but something inevitable happened in the Forex market last
Thursday that could not be avoided.

Our Artificial Intelligence and most of the professional Forex
traders didn’t see it coming, EUR/JPY dropped 540 pips down in less
than an hour!

Such a move is rare to the Forex world. Unfortunately, it happened
and invalidated our signal.

Due to that, we are taking big losses on our accounts as are you.
Again, we are deeply sorry.

Hereby, we would like to inform all members that we won’t be
sending out anymore signals until we have fixed this issue (approx.
2-4 weeks). Although all members are warned (see Disclaimer / Risk
Warning) about the high risk in Forex trading and we are not liable
for any losses or damages that occur to users due to our signals,
we still want to make sure this won’t happen again and we want our
signals to be profitable and safe. We trade the signals our self
and would never want this to happen, ever.

To AutoTrade members, we understand if you want to cancel the
subscription for AutoTrade. Please follow the correct procedure
by contacting ClickBank.

Members will be notified as soon as we are back sending signals
again. On behalf of everyone at Forex Ambush, please accept our
sincere apologies. We look forward to fixing the issue and going
back to business making money in Forex again with everyone.

Forex Ambush 2.0

fariborz haghighi or farid haghighi is manager of forexambush and hqfreesignals .
he is scam
he live in dubai
1 picture of farid haghighi or fariborz haghighi forex scam in dubai

source : forex-scam

Well, my two cents as a business owner. I like one of the quotes from another thread that went something like this: “those who treat forex trading like a business will succeed, those that don’t, won’t”.

A fundamental rule for any business (service, goods, or otherwise) is: never part with money until the last moment, don’t buy it when you can get it for free, and save those pennies - they add up.

Having run a number of businesses, the same common sense seems to apply to forex - don’t spend ur money on nonsense!

Experienced traders agree?