Is forex Gambling?

i leave you on your own now. i tried my best to explain you but not today may be some other day you will understand. i suggest you better ask some experts or scholars and you will get the answer.

i do not forget saying good luck to my friends. gud luck to you anyway. bye now.

As per that article I quoted from, here is another passage from it…

[B][I]At its heart, the currency market supports international trade. Importers and exporters trade in currencies to pay suppliers and collect from customers, usually through buying currency conversion services from a trade bank. [U]But in recent years the forex market has become a market of speculators.[/U][/I][/B]

The only way for it to not be gambling is if you are in the business of international importing or exporting.

LOL, I dont need to ask any priests for answers about things they themselves have no clue about. I already make a better than full time living just from my trading.

I was actually trying to give YOU some advice so that you might have a small chance of better understanding the nature of trading.

Everyone on this thread gave you very pointed factual evidence that trading forex is in fact gambling. All you did was argue the opposite because you can’t accept the truth… because it would be against your religeon.

It’s you who dont understand. You are just trying to justify trading so it does not disagree with your religeons laws.

Unfortunatly for you since you can’t accept the truth that trading is gambling you will fail horribly at trading. Understanding that truth is one of the keys to having the right mindset when trading. Which is why I was arguing this whole point.

P.S. Honestly now I think you are just a forum troll just trying to start arguments in forum. God I hope so, because I can’t believe anyone is this outright stupid.

He’s actually trading with etoro, so he’s not even participating in a real market. He’s gambling against a bunch of equally cleueless muppets.

Even by his own completely screwed up definition he’s gambling because he’s not taking physical delivery of a product.

To make matters worse, anyone who’s involved in any form of business where a physical product doesnt exist is gambling. So any form of intellectual property (software, music, film etc), any service such as childcare, or cleaning my house, or cutting my hair would fall under his ludicrous definition of gambling.

I’m almost feeling guilty knowing I’m profiting from idiots like this.

what i meant if you do not listen to me then you can ask any wise people and you will get the answer but you jumped to priests. who is stupid here, you know it anyway. there is a saying “you cannot teach old dogs”

i think now you will undertsand now. time for me to go now. i tried my best to help you understand but you dont want to and will end up one day in your gambling world.

And there’s a reason old dogs got to survive to old age :stuck_out_tongue:

Oooooo Nooooo I’m gambling (trading forex) and making good money at it. I is so evil ima going to hell, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Again there is nothing that you needed to help anyone with, you don’t understand or won’t accept simple truths simply because of the religeon that brainwashed you.

Indeed they dont listen to puppies that dont have a clue what they are talking about lol.

Thinking about this today brought something to mind.

Is forex a gamble? Yes. In a speculative sense, absolutely.

But is it “gaming” in a sense of casinos?


We have a State Gaming Board here in Nevada.

All casino games, slot machine pays, and casino dealer issues go through them.

Investments, futures, equities, or forex do not.

So call yourself a fund manager, or “investor” (although I think forex is WAY WAY WAY far from being an investment), call yourself a venture capitalist, but know that every monetary risk, or trade you take, can also be known as a gamble…

I think that may alleviate a little tension.

And just for the record, I am a confirmed atheist. I don’t put my beliefs, or lack thereof on anyone else. It would be appreciated if discussions can be limited to facts on hand, and not depart into theological rhetoric.

You are correct, all gaming activities are subject to the gaming laws except financial trading which under US law has been exempted from laws pertaining to gambling, I mentioned this in one of my earlier posts in this thread for the reason, if financial trading did not meet all the criteria neccessary for the activity to be defined as gambling, there would be no need to specially exempt financial trading from being subject to these laws.
For example the gaming laws does not exempt buying groceries from being subject to gaming laws because obviously to most people (except tymen of course) buying grocieries cannot be defined as gambling.

I think that forex certainly does exhibit many characteristics that are part of gambling which is why U.S. law specifically excludes it from the gambling laws.

I think where peoples’ opinions on whether forex is gambling or not diverges a little centres around “an uncertain outcome”. Some people might read that as a plain you cannot be sure what the outcome will be. Other people might read it as the outcome is either wholly or partially dependent on chance.

It’s games of chance which are regulated under U.S. gambling laws. Financial speculation, it could be argued, is mostly made up of quantifiable elements which can be weighed up and a view taken on them. Granted there’s a hugely complex number of factors involved in why a price goes in a certain direction and people can interpret the same information in multiple ways but it’s there for those who have access to it and can distill it. I guess there’s a reason why the dealing desks at Goldman Sachs didn’t have a losing day throughout one quarter in 2009 (can’t remember exactly which - was in some article on Bloomberg). In Q2 2010 they won 55 out of 65 days. Other large financial companies dealing desks did nearly as good.

But there’s also completely random factors that might impact the price that just can’t be predicted. Governments can fall unexpectedly, wars can break out, crops can fail, natural disasters can hit, economic reports can be significantly different to what was expected, etc., etc.

I guess I see forex as something of a fuzzy area when it comes to defining it as gambling or not. Definitely has many of the characteristics of gambling and a number of the skills are very transferable between the two but to those with access to the resources the outcome can be a win far beyond what could be classed as your share of chance even as a skilled gambler. I think I’d pretty definitely class retail traders as gamblers as we don’t have the resources and combined brain power working on figuring out the outcome. Without large number of specialists in different areas working together towards what the outcome will be the vast majority of retail traders work off very incomplete information which, in my opinion, introduces a far larger element of chance into the whole affair. We can definitely increase the odds to make them a little more in our favour (like a good poker player can) but there’s a very significant element of chance involved which has to be managed if you’re going to be successful.

here’s the issue.

there are two definition of gambling.

one is the actual game/sport/whatever you like to call it, and the other is the one found in the dictionary.

so take ur pick.

So are you happy to redefine the definition of any other word ?

Perhaps you’d like to redefine left as right, or up as down, or north as south, or east as west.

Perhaps you’d like to redefine colors.

Why not change the meaning of numbers, when you say 8, you really mean 3, and when you say 3, you mean the number 8743

We have definitions for a reason, not so people can change them to suit their own purposes due to a psychological weakness that they refuse to acknowledge.

Gambling is the act of betting on the game or sport, it is not the game itself that is gambling, it is how you interact with it that makes it gambling or not.

For instance you can watch a game of football purely for the enjoyment of the competition or you can make it gambling by betting on the outcome.

This is also true for casino type games you can play craps or cards for matchsticks or any other token with no intrinsic value as a means to keep score, it only becomes gamblng when your stake has monetary value.

You can turn almost any activity into gambling. You can bet on a game of darts a turn of a card the toss of a coin the rise or fall of the dow jones, pretty much anything you like as long as you have a third party willing to accept your bet.

Exactly, and it is this concept that so many people seem unable to come to terms with, the fundimental use of the English language, the whole purpose of having a language, is that the words in the language have to be previously agreed upon and defined so everyone knows what everyone is talking about.

The question, “Is Forex Trading Gambling” is asking, Does the word gambling define the act of trading forex ?

The first question is, what is the definition of gambling ?
Is it a recognised word of the English language with an explicit definition ? Or is it a slang word or a colloquialism with a loose definition, open to interpretation, regional influences etc ?

Gambling is not a slang word or a colloquilism it has its own explicit definition agreed upon by the professors of languages responsible for editing and defining each word in our language and publishing them in the dictionary for our reference.

So the ultimate question has to be “does the definition of the word gambling describe the act of forex trading?”

That is all this whole thread should have been about, all the talk of gambling having different meanings to different people, is nonsensical.
It only has different meanings to different people if those people are all unaware of the true meaning of the word and what it stands for.

If the orignal question had been Is forex slubaluba?
Then we could have had this discussion about inventing the meaning of slubaluba and all those people who wanted the definition to mean something other than gambling would have had a fair point to make and the final definition of slubaluba could have been agreed upon by everyone in this thread but that was not the question was it.

What is this “true meaning” of gambling as agreed upon by “professors of the language”? A quick perusal of dictionaries throws up a variety of definitions. Perhaps I’m missing this universal English dictionary which has the final authority over the precise meaning of a word.

each of us has different opinions,
I respect the opinion of each member, though gamble or not, forex will still be a forex.
if you use it wisely, success is waiting, if not, better find another carreer that is satisfying for you. :):):):slight_smile:

short @ 9/4

added short @ 7/4

anyone got odds better than 7/4?
I figure this short has legs at least to last weeks lows!

Is forex gambling, is the question on hand.

It is so simple folks it’s stupid. A certain number of you will hold to your beliefs (either side of the coin) til death - so really it is a mute point becuase no matter what valid proof (the FACTS ONLY) are put in front of you you will not budge on your opinion.

That being said I’d like to take a poll of sorts. Here is the question - -
Does a casino employ gambling techniques?
or if you would rather – Does a casino gamble?

If you decide to answer this question - - please supply a full description, so we all understand what your saying. A simple yes or no does not suffice.

Forex can be gambling if you don’t understand money management and risk to reward and how they influence your mindset. Most people end up gambling in the markets because the cannot control themselves enough to consistently manage their risk. Forex is a great way to make consistent money if you can control yourself better than 90% of the competition. It’s a great reflection of the fickle and weak nature of most human emotional processes.