Is forex Gambling?

if you say scholars are wrong then are you the biggest scholar???

I know enough to understand the definition of, “gambling.”

"[B]the act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning (including the payment of a price for a chance to win a prize[/B]); “his gambling cost him a fortune”; "there was heavy play at the blackjack table"

Gambling [B]is the of money or something of material value on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods.[/B] Typically, the outcome of the wager is evident within a short period.

An activity characterised by a [B]balance between winning and losing that is governed by a mixture of skill and chance[/B]gambling - Wiktionary"

Here’s an interesting article…

[B][I]Is it permissible to play backgammon using real money? The Israelis behind the Internet backgammon site Play65 claim that it’s a game of skill, not a matter of pure chance. The police beg to differ.

If the police win their battle against casino site operators, poker and backgammon alike, Israelis will be left bereft of all their semi-legal gambling options. That leaves only one place to gamble while staying comfortably within the law: the forex market.[/I][/B]

and it goes on…

The demon of forex gambling - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

look i give you easy example. forex is like you buy a rice from market for some rate and lets say after a week price of rice rises so you go and sold them and get some prfoit. you can compare this with currencies that you buy something and then sell it for profit.

while in poker or casino you are not buying anything you are just staking money in roulette or poker.

hope you will understand witht hsi easiest example

So I take it you trade with no leverage, and you take physical delivery of the currency that you exchanged ?

if not, its not remotely similar

to make things similar brokers have offered us electronic currency or e currency. but in real you can do it. you go to any money changer and buy some real currency like 100 dollars. then keep the cash home and after a week go back and change it for pounds in profit.

leverage they offer us just to help us and help themselves. yes it can be traded with zero leverage but that will be hard

Nope, your example is tottally flawed.

Read the definitions above. Even your rice example IS gambling. That is speculation. You have no way of knowing 100% if rice will climb in value. You are betting it will rise, speculating, thus you are gambling.

Simply because you are actually buying an actualy tangible thing doesn’t make it NOT gambling.

[B]You CAN gamble even with grains of rice. The first time I played poker it was with toothpicks as stakes and no real money backing them. Did that make it not gambling?[/B]

Also, although technically you are buying euro’s when you go long EUR/USD, …you aren’t really. You are just leveraging to get a gain out of some pip movement. Again you are gambling because you are betting on an outcome in pip movement.

You can’t call up your broker and tell them to give you all the Euro’s you just bought, because your on leverage, you dont really have those Euro’s. You kind of just got a loan. You havn’t really bought anything. At best you can go flat and take your original money out of your account at that point.

look this is a business not gambling. this is like i buy goods from china and sell in uk for profit.we can also take the example of gold. people buy then keep it for years knowing it will go up

what if i have a house and after some period house price rises and i sell for profit. is it gambling???

in poker or roulette you are not buying anything physical but in forex we are buying real thing that is currency. thats why forex is business but gambling is gambling because no real thing is involved

Yes, it can be a business. No argument there.

These: “this is like i buy goods from china and sell in uk for profit.we can also take the example of gold. people buy then keep it for years knowing it will go up”

Are both prime examples of speculation, which is gambling. You can never no for certain if the goods or gold will be up in price. You’d just be making an educated guess, which is speculation…which is gambling.

[B]I’m sorry if your beliefs are against gambling, but the cold fact is just about all business ventures ARE gambling.[/B]

I’ve toyed with idea of starting a pizza shop that would have car shows every week. There is no way I could know if I’d make a profit from it. But the venture would likely take upwards of 100k just to start. I’d be gambling 100k that I could make that pizza shop turn a profit.

You are not taking physical delivery of a product. Even if you did, you are still gambling. You are speculating on changes in price.

Yes! yes it is! That is speculation, which is gambling. You have no way of knowing for certain if the price would rise in the future, but you had to bet money by buying the house that it would.

my friend you are not getting to the point.

roulette or poker is called gambling because you pay money but you dont buy anything physical

but in forex you pay money and buy pysical thing that is currency

do you get my point???

I am not your friend and yes I do get your point.

Unfortunately you are dead wrong.

[B]Just because you buy something physical doesn’t mean it’s not gambling.[/B]

YOU do not understand the definition of speculation and gambling. That very well may be the definition of gambling as laid out by your beliefs, but it is not the ACTUAL, FACTUAL, TRUE, definition of gambling.

Lets say me and my buddy want to bet on the outcome of a dog race, but not money. I’ll bet my car, he’ll bet his boat. Were betting real phsyical things, does that make it not gambling? No? What would it be then, my awesome business where I get boats for outguessing my friends?

It depends on your initial reason for buying the house.

If you bought it as a home, and it increased in price, thats not gambling. If you bought a house because you believed that house prices would rise, then yes, its gambling…

You might argue that in the first instance you didnt actually make a profit. You wanted a 3 bedroom house, it cost you 100 thousand dollars. 10 years later your 3 bedroom house is worth 200 thousand dollars. If you sell it, you’d still only have enough to buy another 3 bedroom house, so your position hasnt actually improved.

yes it is . there you go. you admitted that in forex physical thing is involved. thats what every business is about .definition of business is where physical things are involved. mean you buy or sell. i used to sell mobile phones on ebay bought from auctions.

the worst thing about gambling is there is no physical thing involved. thats where it distinguises it from gambling.

put some more pressure on your brain and you will understand.

yes you are not my friend but i am still your friend

Ok, I see now. You are just a complete moron and will not accept the fact that trading is gambling. I’m done with you idiot.

my friend you are not getting to the point.

roulette or poker is called gambling because you pay money but you dont buy anything physical

but in forex you pay money and buy pysical thing that is currency

do you get my point???

quick lesson…

When you “buy” you are not really “buying” you are long.

When you “sell” you are not really “selling” you are short.

When you long the market you agree to buy at that price and if you short you agree to sell at that price, however you never accept delivery of the currency that is why it is speculation.

When you speculate you are risking money in hopes that the currency you longed would rise in value and when you short you are risking money hoping that the currency value will drop. In both these examples you are risking money to hopefully earn money based on price fluctuations without ever expecting a physical delivery.

so all this discussion about houses and rice are mute because that is not what you are doing. this is not a store front there are no goods bought or sold. there is only participation in a market with the hopes of earning money.

But you are NOT taking physical delivery of a product.

Worse still, If you trade with a bucketshop (such as etoro), your order goes nowhere near the actual market. Your broker has no productto sell you

Next time you place an order with etorro, ask them to deliver the currency and see what they say :smiley:

Even if they had a product, its still speculation.