Is Forex Gambling?

If I bungee jump or skydive, the odds are in my favor that I’ll probably survive the stunt. Does that mean I’m not gambling with my life?

They suffer the same risks of any business, it doesn’t make them gamblers, or all business are gambling then.

There are odds of dying in everything from walking in the street to driving a race car, if you consider walking or race driving or skydiving gambling it’s they way you see it, I practice a risky sport and I don’t consider it “gambling” with my life.

But if you people consider everything but sure things gambling then it’s ok.

LOL!!! You musta missed the first 24,381 pages of this thread.

None of us are getting paid for reruns.

Since a casino’s main business is playing odds, even if the odds favor the house, they can endure large drawdowns. They are subject to money management just as any other probability based business. Some survive, some don’t.

Fact. If there is risk of ANY sort, a perfectly acceptable synonym is “gamble”.

But we’ve been down this road many times on this pointless tail chase of threads.

Probabilities say I, nor anyone else will convince you that your comprehesion of the word “risk” is flawed.

Now we’re just getting into semantics. It’s one thing for something to be A gamble, and another for someone to be actively gambling in something.

If everything is a gamble, then nothing is a gamble.

That’s all it’s ever been.

With people going to great lengths to redefine words…


Bottom line.

Let me google that for you

There are two main forms of gambling, gambling for money, for financial reward, where you stake an amount of money with a third party on a particular event or series of uncertain events. You then forcast the outcome of the event, if you are correct you recieve your stake money back plus winnings, if you are wrong you forfeit the stake.

The other form of gambling is taking a chance, taking a risk, there is no stake involved. almost everything you do in life can be considered a gamble in this sense.

2 out of every 3 new businesses fail, if you start a new business you are taking a chance, a gamble on your business succeeding, there is no stake here placed with a third party, no agreement by any third party to accept your stake as a bet, so this form of a gamble is the second kind, it is taking a chance, where there is a known risk.

Casino owners take this 2nd kind of a gamble. The games themselves are not a gamble for the casino owners they are guarenteed to be profitable, the odds are carefully weighted in the casinos favour so over time, over multiple games played by multiple players the casino will profit from them…
The gamble the casino owners take is on whether or not enough people will visit that casino and spend enough money that the profits will outweigh the expenses and overheads of running a casino.

Trading may involve gambling, depending on the reasons a person makes the trade. But to say that trading IS gambling is an over-generalization that simply doesn’t properly characterize the nature of this business, or any other for that matter.

Unless the persons who hold such a view does indeed enter trades on a whim, or in the nature of a true gambler, then they are not conforming to their very own views on the trading.

I think gambling is simply a label that some people give for elements of forex that just don’t make sense to them.


forex is gambling in a sense.

if it wasnt gambling it would be called free money for your pocket exchange
but its not, its called foreign exchange

its a zero sum game meaning the winners get paid by the losers… just like in poker or blackjack… its educated gambling

Gambling based on, “whim,” has nothing to do with what defines gambling as gambling.

You can gamble and do it on whim or do it very strategically with a lot of forethought, a plan and consideration of the probabilities.

Gambling is gambling because it’s based on random events. You can surround those events with a level of strategy, money management and statistics. But you’re still managing random events. It’s the pure luck of the draw, with minimal control.

In essence, we’ve come full circle to realize that everything in the entire universe is gambling. Wave functions define reality and only observation can produce any meaningful conclusion. Prior to it, we can only conjecture that there is a superposition of every conceivable result to an event. Thus, the cat stuck in the box with a radioactively timed bomb may possibly survive the explosion but it is unlikely.

As I said previously. If everything is gambling, then nothing is gambling. Meanings deriving [I]meaning [/I]when they point to an entity in contradistinction to the rest of all other entities which can exist, or be possible candidates.

Wave functions [squared] define probability of a possible reality. Prior to observation, all [I]probabilities [/I]of each reality exist, but not the realities themselves, until we observe them. Nothing is physically real until it’s been observed.

So you’re saying that x is not gambling because Σx is gambling.


No, I’m saying that if every x is gambling, then no x is truly gambling. It would be better to say it like this: if everything is gambling, then who cares about the attribute called [I]gambling[/I]. By over generalizing it to everything it has lost its meaning, because meaning distinguishes between things. If things cannot be distinguished by an attribute, then it is not an attribute of interest.

So those who say everything is gambling, are not really noting anything worth noting, because they haven’t said anything notable. :slight_smile:


Forget all the other silliness, the OP’s question was, “is FOREX gambling?”

The answer is unequivocally yes.

It’s unequivocally a [I][B]maybe[/B][/I].

Of course it is, but I don’t really care, wouldn’t it be better to spend your energies learning to trade rather than pondering whether it is a gamble or not?

Meanwhile I will take a gamble that I won’t burn myself when I put kettle on! :rolleyes:

for a probability wave to collapse you have to have an observer which begs the question what constitutes an observer? Well as Einstein once said… God does not play dice with the universe to which Heisenberg replied… yes he does. That reminds me of another Einstein quote, While sitting in a rather long and boring lecture he turned to someone sitting next to him and said “I think I have just discovered the theory of eternity”. Somehow that reminds me a lot of this gambling thread… not to mention the Tyimen thread…

I think gambling has everything to do with luck, which is not the case here (or at least it shouldn’t).