Is Forex Gambling?


I think we should start a pool.

Maybe we can get Jay (Master Tang) in Las Vegas to be our bank.

Players can buy into the pool with $100, and then they have to predict the exact day and time that this thread will reach 1,000 posts.

If this thread is closed (by Babypips, not by the OP), before reaching 1,000 posts, then the closest date/time prediction wins.

If this thread dies out before reaching 1,000 posts (not very damned likely!), then after no posts for a period of 3 whole days, the closest date/time prediction wins.

Anyone can play, even people who think that forex is not gambling.

Winner gets all the money, and owes Jay a bottle of the good stuff of his choice.

Who wants to play? Can I see a show of hands?

really not sure about this, sounds a bit like gambling to me :smiley: :rolleyes:

Dang PP you beat me to it!

You gotta be on the ball with this Forex thing otherwise it starts turning into a bit of a Lottery! :eek:

Doing the lottery isnā€™t gamblingā€¦ :rolleyes::smiley:

Hey - I never said it was! then again I didnā€™t say it wasnā€™t!

TouchƩ. :slight_smile:

Guess I had a 50/50 chance thenā€¦ Was I gambling thenā€¦???

Ugh, this thread is leaving me confused :confused:

I couldnā€™t possibly comment, I donā€™t feel Iā€™m qualified to.

Why not? Everyone else thinks they are qualified!

Maybe we could bet on whether this thread or the ā€˜why is Tyment bannedā€™ thread getā€™s closed first? At least thatā€™s a 50:50

OK then, thanks for the encouragement, my view is - it depends how you look at it? bit like quantum physics!

ah gambling like beauty is in the eye of the beholderā€¦ :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=;220818]Dang PP you beat me to it![/QUOTE]

Guys youā€™re killing me!

Iā€™d think it shouldnā€™t stop, its like a good food-fight in the mess, especially since it wouldnt happen in true-color where Iā€™m from?

But then again thinking aloud in the forum is a riskless gambleā€¦ till oneā€™s burned.

I believe it depends on your trading method, strategy and money management. if either one is not properly define, it will be gambling. :slight_smile:

I donā€™t even know why Iā€™m writing in this thread but lets add another post anyway!

FOREX is essentially gambling. You can window dress it in a number of ways but itā€™s gamblingā€¦

When people ask what I do, I say ā€˜trade Forexā€™ aka ā€˜speculate on exchange ratesā€™ aka ā€˜professional gamblerā€™. Ultimately, I donā€™t care, as long as Iā€™m making some money!

Come On! I donā€™t think youā€™re trading this thread seriously! :rolleyes:

Trading NFP Friday is gamblingā€¦ Iā€™ll concede that much.

Yesterday someone asked me what I was doing. I didnā€™t say gambling. I said ā€œIā€™m buying and selling moneyā€ she just gave me a blank stareā€¦

the Fx market is addictive so Iā€™m going to go with yes :stuck_out_tongue:

haha but trading involves several factors and you can manage your risk compared to just putting $10 on red at the roulette table

Haha, you got that right dude.