Is Forex Gambling?

good answer simbafx, it’s interesting what you said

This issue matters almost more than any other single aspect of this business. [B]Unless its truthfully confronted you wont find an edge[/B], and you’ll be sharkfood for the gamblers who have thought things through, and who undertand the rules of the game.

But is it really gambling though? :rolleyes:


Did you HAVE to??? It WAS ‘dying a slow death’!!! LOL!!!




Sorry, I couldn’t resist, bit bored, markets are very quiet.

Isn’t that the truth (about the market being quiet).

Well seeing as I’ve now ‘roped myself in’ here:

What I’m quite surprised about is the fact that at no point in this thread has anybody noted anything about nor commented on ‘spread betting’ or ‘spread betting brokers’??? (Just adding fuel to the fire is all)!!! LOL!!!



Spread Betting! wash your mouth out with soap, that’s just gambling, Forex is much more than… or was that life?

Anyway, you’ll never earn money gambling.

no it isn’t… :smiley:

Oh yes it is :smiley:

I see that the two of you are ‘on form’ today!!! LOL!!!

Thanks for brightening up my day anyway!!!



yes it is! and I am unanimous in this! :smiley:


I’d say that is true for not only Forex.

Anyways, regarding my robots, Forex ist not gambling. They don’t know anything about gambling, lol.

If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is there to hear it, does it make a noise?

If you are traveling at the speed of light, and turn on your headlights, do they work?

Discuss amongst yourselves…

Quantum processes require an observer to colapse the probabilty waves and the speed of light is the same for all observers regardless of reference frame… or so I’ve heard :smiley:

No, the lights don’t work. Because the fuse can’t withstand the speed. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anything can be gambling if you just close your eyes and take your shots and then bad mouth the endeavor you are trying to take part in. Be it sports, education, or a profession. You don’t put in the time and work and you will not succeed period. I don’t know of anything that isn’t a gamble if you don’t prepare for it. So Yes like everything else it can be gambling if you take part in it without the proper experience and planning and just throwing in your entries and exits based on whims and gut feeling.

When I first started I went through the school of babypips, and then read every book I can get my hands on, put together a few strategies from the books and people on this very forum and then practiced my concoction of tricks on demo.

So when I first started to get into it, everyone and especially my girlfriend would say right to my face that it was gambling, and then fast forward many months and I started to make $1000 a day and everyone’s attitude changed and they looked at it as some kind of mystical magic ATM not knowing how hard it truly is.

However, after a few months of good wins, one major mistake resulted in my very first blown account. I did not have my stop in place and my platform disconnected for a few hours, and I lost me a huge sum and it taught me an important lesson but it also hurt and knocked the fear of over leveraging in me. At the time, I was trading 1 lots using $2000 at 1:500 leverage (Well it didn’t seem as insane back then) however, because I did practice my strategy on demo for months I did have a good edge. However, I was not prepared for the mental obstacles live trading throws at you and after about 120 something straight winning trades I had developed a God’s complex and thought I could not be wrong and did not have a plan set up for if a trade went against me or some other technical problem and I had my first and only blown account and I have to tell you, I’m glad I had it very early on in my trading career because it taught me a few very valuable lesson.

I know you read about mistakes people make in the books and everyone else tells you just like I am about to but these lessons don’t truly hit home until you make the mistakes and pay your dues. (So start small) Also, I am not trying to take anything away from the books and advice people on forums and blogs give out because without that prior knowledge and insight you may not even be able to comprehend what you did wrong. You might get pissed, blame your broker and everything else and end up on a broker review site calling your broker or currency trading in general a complete scam.

Many people jump in with lots of money after a few good demo wins and then they are so scared of losing it that they don’t really follow the plan they hap haphazardly put together over a few nights. Take a few months and create a consistent plan of when to enter and when to get out and how much you are willing to risk and make. (Start small, learn and grow)

The advice is to take baby steps while staying on Babypips.

wow,this thread is still going…

go study some charts!!

I think Forex is gambling as much as Horse racing is. You don’t know exactly how its going to perform in the future or where it is going to go but you do know its past. What it has done in the past weeks and you really can only predict what it is going to do in the future. Obviously Forex is not the same as blackjack or roulette where you are relying on luck.

Why waste time studying charts if fx trading is only pure gambling? :smiley:
And even if it is gambling, it for sure is the one with the lowest cost out there.

That depends on the “gambler”, lol. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure :slight_smile:
The funny paradox here is that all the newbies are “long-term traders”, or even if they start with another idea, they turn into such due to the “hold the loser” cliché and thus the cost of trade for them is close to zero. For me (& all the day-traders) on the other hand, the spread is very important as it counts for a big percentage of the profit/loss i trade for. So in plain words, the more experience you have, the lower on frames you go - the higher costs you pay.
C’est la vie.