Is Forex Gambling?

LOL! My new scalping robot shows me what you mean. :wink:

It makes a loser in 1 second, but not much and a profit in some minutes, but a bit more and even a bit more often.

But if ā€œtheyā€ would set the spread higher, that would not work anymore. :rolleyes:

it depends on the person i thinkā€¦

Letā€™s bet on how many posts this thread will have before itā€™s realized as no longer being of any benefit.

Certainly not, I never bet on anything - thatā€™s just gambling :rolleyes:

Is it? :cool:

Oh yes, betting is gambling, and Iā€™m not going to argue about it OK :smiley:

However Forex trading is a different matter, as we can see some of the greatest forex philosophers of our times have clearly pondered very deep thoughts on this subject. I have been considering getting in touch with one of the greatest thinkers, theorists and philosophers the world has ever seen about his matter - i.e. Stephen Hawking.

I feel that it is only a person of this calibre that can come up with an answer to such a deep problem as to whether if trading Forex is gambling or not! It is only someone like this that can come up with theories and answers to ā€˜[B]The Big Question[/B]ā€™, someone that can propose solutions to problems such as [B]What existed before the BIG BANG?[/B], and [B]In quantum theory, can one thing be in two states at the same time?[/B], maybe forex is like quantum Physics - itā€™s gambling and not gambling at the same time - aaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh!

Personally - I donā€™t give a f*** !!! :eek:

Iā€™m getting a sense of Deja Vu:D

Hi All!

I am here after a very long time and I am surprised to see this thread is till going:):):). anyway hows every body doing and hows business going???

I have never considered Forex trading as a gamble! If you were trading without leverage would you be asking the same question?

I consider it as investing, but rather in socks and bond itā€™s with currency!

It seems others have the same dilema

Is Forex Trading Gambling? | Forex Trading Online: Foreign Exchange (FX) Currency Trading

And you even went to the TROUBLE of replying!!! LOL!!! I wish I had just Ā£1 or ā‚¬1 for every time this question has been asked and debated and aswered from the beginning of the Internet to the ā€˜last pageā€™!!! LOL!!!



Itā€™s like a sore that you know you shouldnā€™t pick but just canā€™t help it.

its playing probabilities and if you have an edge you win

Yes Iā€™ve invested in socks with a small fortune of currency, and from the number of them the dryer ate, to having boys that constantly wear out a toe or heel, the small holdings of onesies donā€™t retain much value unfortunately :frowning:

^^^ absolutely loving this response

speaking of investingā€¦ would any of you invest in something that has an equity curve like this? Howā€™s that for a draw down? Now thatā€™s gambling!

in case you were wonderingā€¦ thatā€™s the Dow Jones Industrial :32:

How is this thread not closed?

because itā€™s like a sore you canā€™t help picking.

I think itā€™s a thing of absolute BEAUTY!!! LOL!!!



What can I say ā€˜medumā€™!!! LOL!!! Excellent!!!

