Is Forex Gambling?

or an itch you can’t stop scratching? or maybe because it’s just too darned entertaining to close.

The two of you JUST CANNOT leave it alone can you!!! LOL!!!




So Stephen1: you work for a broker or have an ‘investment business’ going??? Something like that??? When do we get the details???

I’ll bet you 100 USD, or 100 EUR, or 100 GBP that forex IS gambling.

And I’m offering 8 to 5 odds.

If I was a gambling man, and I’m not saying that I am, I would insist on better odds.

To me its not a gamble but a business, its every element is the same as a business. Whats not gamble in life?

:slight_smile: something to ponder awhile?

or maybe not :smiley:

Well, guys and gals, however you/me call it to buy/sell money, is not important. Way more important is: Can you get consistently money out of it or do you deliver the profits for others? I do think that those who deliver for others profits should be regarded as women with clear morality and brave men. :smiley:

A college of mine who is an idiot who enjoys to criticize everyone making jokes and humiliating everyone once said to me: “What’s the big deal with it, you are gambling, you are making analisis of something that is purely random”.

BUT as a disciplinated trader i’ve just answered politely: “and why don’t your gamble yourself”

After three years on forex i can say that forex is anything but random, i would rather call it masspsycologybased than something simply based on chase.


I don’t think gambling. Forex is living tool.

hmmm… someone needs a spell checker

I doubt it is a gambling table. More like a Emo Platform, cause a lot of people place trades that reflects their emotional needs. And dump all their cash to see magic happen before their eyes. Which of course happens but not always. :smiley:

If you take some dices and play with it, then it’s gambling.

If you are manufacturing those dices, it’s manufacturing.

So, it’s not a question if fx is gambling or not. Completely nonense question. It’s what [B]you[/B] are doing in fx, what makes it gambling or trading.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

Very well put, putting it that way it encompasses many aspects of making money, including ‘gambling’ as in classic card/casino gambling, if you are earning a living from it, it’s as much of a gamble as doing a ‘buy to let’, yes it’s the individual more than the market whichever market it may be.

Thanks ppf! :slight_smile:

Yea, there are so many examples. Fx is just a market. We can use every market to gamble or to speculate, trade, making business, etc. etc.

More examples: The streets are just there. We can drive on it then its driving. Walk on it, then its walking. Play on it, then its playing/gambling. Sell something on it, then its business.

So, fx in itself is no game and no business. It’s just there. What we are doing with it defines what our relation to fx or any other market really is.

I use it for business and making money and it’s definitely not gambling.

Besides card counters, tell who is making money in Las Vegas.


What’s the difference? lol some gambling games also need strategy, in sports betting(gambling) you can also study what to pick. I really don’t know the difference. You are just picking numbers, you’re not really buying currency.

Well, tell what gambling game can be influenced by the crowd. Let me know so i will play it. I am good with psicology of masses otherwise i wouldn’t be into forex.

Maybe none. just like horse racing, needs horse :slight_smile: I Don’t really know if forex is gambling. In most business when buying/selling both party are happy :slight_smile: What’s I also noticed, traders often say the word WIN(money).haven’t heared it in other business.

The casino owners.

I say that… but who will grok it?

I think it doesn’t matter if trading is gambling or not. The question is, do we have a better chance to make money than a gambler like poker player? The difference is minimal, around 5% right? All I know is this is as addictive as gambling lol.