Is forex like gambling?



It doesn’t matter if Forex is gambling or not. For me as an observator of the price changing all the time, it is random. Because I don’t know the guys who deal the cards, for me every change in price is random. So I can legally apply methods pertaining to statistics to average my income. If I consider price action as a stochastic process, then I apply sthocastics processes rules. And it works.

If you like to gamble I tell you I’m your man !! Win some lose some its all the same to me !!
The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say !!
Playing for the high one, dancing with the devil, going with the flow, its all a game to me !!
You know Im going to lose and gamblings for fools
but thats the way I like it baby I dont wanna live forever

Why don’t you try bungee jumping ?

I’ve been patient waiting to be the first one that posts to this thread just as the weekend is approaching, I waited too long, but SDC have you been too quick, you beat me to it, but it’s before midday (GMT) so… either way it’s a gamble, too soon you loose, too early you win.

If you like to gamble I tell you I’m your man !! Win some lose some its all the same to me !!
The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say !!
Playing for the high one, dancing with the devil, going with the flow, its all a game to me !!
You know Im going to lose and gamblings for fools
but thats the way I like it baby I dont wanna live forever

Well I never: a MOTORHEAD fan!!! LOL!!! Not too many of those (us) around!!! LOL!!!



But do Motorhead fans like bungee jumping?

Well done SDC, not being a Motorhead fan I wouldn’t have recognized it for cheese, I’m off to HMV to buy the latest album.

you know… there is a low although non zero probability that all life on Earth could be destroyed overnight… well just being here is a gamble.

Hey, Mike

This thread has just about run its course. I think you should start a new thread, just in time for the weekend —


What’s ‘HMV’ purplepatchforex???

I ‘grew up’ on Motorhead, DIO, and the like so that’s how I recognised the lyrics!!! LOL!!! LEMMY for President!!!

I gotta watch myself tonight. I have NOT had a good week AT ALL so I’ve decided to join purplepatchforex with the Remy (although I’m more of a ‘commoner’ i.e. a Captain Morgan man and given that it’s my first drink in roughly five weeks the first one is already feeling just a BIT too good for my OWN good)!!! LOL!!! (Actually that’s a lie: LAST weekend was my first drink in five weeks so this bottle doesn’t count i.e. it’s just ‘back to normal’)!!! LOL!!!




Well if you are a noobie they can both be pretty costly…

Trust me: trading is the cheaper of the two!!!




There is a quote on this subject, I think from Richard Branson the owner of Virgin Airlines in an interview and he said
"what you pay for is cheaper than what you get for free"

Message edited by myself. You know: the morning after the night before type of thing!!! LOL!!!



Hell yeah I’m a motorthead fan I wondered if anyone would recognise those lyrics LOL

The gamblers anthem:

I used to play this video every single morning before opening my trading platform. The lyric, “You win some you lose some, its all the same to me” perfectly sums up the psychology required to trade with an edge.

Well I don’t understand where is the edge. If you win / lose some it means that you are losing for sure something: your time.

The sell-side pressure has seemed to dry up, and I think we could see a very healthy run!! Pick-up the news right away and don’t miss it out.

Ok you guys tell me if Forex is gambling:

Forex dealers control :
[/li][li]The money in your account. (Who did you make you check or wire out to?)

The Las Vegas casino’s do not even have this much power…at least when you gamble in the casinos there is luck involved.



Although this thread was started by TalonD as a JOKE I see it’s started taking a serious turn here!!! See what you’ve done now TalonD??? LOL!!!

I never got involved in the ORIGINAL thread on this very same topic but I feel the need to interject here though:

Not to be argumentative ElectricSavant but you’ve kind of ‘hit the nail on the head’ as it were.

‘Luck’ should play no part in trading. If you’re trading and hoping that ‘Lady Luck’ is going to afford you profitable trades then, I’d agree, trading is indeed gambling. But if you’re a purely technical trader (as I am) or you’re a good market technician or a knowlegeable fundamentalist, then there’s no ‘luck’ involved at all. Sure you may make mistakes, be wrong in your analysis, and incur losses sometimes but if you know how to trade the ‘odds’ (for want of a better word) or, rather, the probability, of your trade(s) being profitable most cetainly has nothing to do with ‘luck’ and is most certainly FAR higher than the 50/50 chance of success at a casino (and if I’m not mistaken it’s actually 49/51 in favour of the casino insofar as roulette is concerned, depending on the number of zeros on the table, but I could be wrong i.e. I’m no gambler and simply read about this somewhere at some point or the other).

As far as the brokers having more ‘control’ than the casinos: it’s just a pure business transaction is all. You pay your money and in return you get a trading account which is yours to TRADE or ‘gamble’ with. And with decent and honest and reliable brokers (there are indeed a few) fills are rarely a problem in FOREX (which I myself don’t trade by the way and with equities and commodities it’s really no problem either and unfortunately just ‘the way of the market’). Quotes are by no means a problem because, if in doubt, there’s literally THOUSANDS of places where quotes can be checked against what your broker is offering and this is particularly true when trading equities and commodities. That being said though: it’s one of the main reasons why I’ve never encouraged traders to trade on any other timeframes than the daily timeframes for the simple reason that SOME unscrupulous CAN manipulate quotes on the very short timeframes using any number of ‘tricks’ but it’s a lot harder to manipulate the daily opening and closing prices e.g. the Dow opens AT xxxxx and closes AT xxxxx no matter WHERE you look and no matter in which country you’re in. But with FOREX too there are ways of getting at least a ‘ballpark’ figure. One site which I (used to) reference is OzForex found here: Interbank Spot Rates | Currency Rate | Spot Exchange Rate | Oz Forex. Those are the LIVE Interbank Spot Forex Rates (and quotes are realtime AND live even over weekends). So it’s pretty easy to check, within a pip or two, whether your broker’s quotes are correct or ‘off quotes’.

Anyway: that’s MY ‘take’ on the gambing vs. trading debate.

