Is GBPJPY overdue for a pullback?

GBPJPY traded with a bid tone for the entire last week. The currency pair is based on the value of the British pound sterling against the Japanese yen, and it is one of the most popular currency pairs traded on the international Forex market. GBPJPY is famous for its extreme volatility that’s why the cross-pair is nicknamed “the dragon” and “the beast”.

This article is about the fundamental and technical outlook of GBPJPY while keep in mind that this pair is highly sensitive to risk appetite so when you trade don’t place the stop loss too close to the key resistance and support levels.

Check out the detailed analysis of GBPJPY here -

Interesting read! :blush: This pair has been out of my radar for a while but I might check out the charts and see if I can open a position for this pair. :blush:

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