Is HFX same as binary option?

Pls I need help cause I am new with this whole stuff

in my long trading career i never found at any binary option trading platform which is trustable and good according to any kinds of traders.

Do not do binary. Focus on Forex or Stock trading. Binary is too risky. I am a trader, long term. I use Forexchief, easy to use. There is bonus money for new traders to practice live trading. But you must start with a demo account. We here are open to more questions.

yes i dont focused at all any Binary option , i took Forex as my career , its a most professional business in the present world. binary options its all about scam.

Thank for help

honestly speaking i have passed a long time in there but never found at any good platform at all.

I don’t think there is anything decent about binary. I wonder how people make money with it. Or maybe they don’t