Is it crazy to tweak a strategy that works?

Hellooo. :sweat_smile: Hmm. I’ve just been revisiting my trading strategy, and it’s been pretty good for me. :open_mouth: But I was thinking of incorporating more indicators to my original 50 MA & 200 MA trading strategy. What do you think? Is it crazy to tweak a strategy that works? :sweat_smile: Thank youuuuu.

When you say it works pretty good, are you profitable on a consistent basis? If so just improve on your technique with practice. I also only use 50 and 200pd moving averages along with the trend lines of lines of support and resistance and that is perfect for my price action strategy. Anything more (for me personally) doesn’t help any and clutters up my candlesticks

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“Better is the enemy of good” if you add a filter which will improve your results significant, why not :wink: regards Greg

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I feel like you may just be inviting problems that don’t even exist yet doing this kind of like “why fix what is not broken” BUT as they say, YMMV! So it may even be better to tweak it! (My answer was not helpful at all :joy:)

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Not necessarily.

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Hmmm. :thinking: Tbh, it’s a little complicated because I also don’t trade consistently. But whenever I open positions using this strategy, I’d say it’s about 60% win and 40% loss. :open_mouth: Super thank you for the explanation! :smiley: Maybe I’d try to stick to it for now. :smiley:

Also, it sounds like we’re using pretty similar strategies. :blush: Do you have any plans of creating a trading journal here? :open_mouth: I think that’d definitely be interesting! :blush:

Short but sweet. :blush: Thanks Professor! :smiley:

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I had to look this up. :joy: Hahaha. But thanks ponpon! :smiley: I’ve decided to let it be for now. Maybe I’d revisit the idea in a couple more months. :thinking:

Is it something you’ve done in the past? :blush:

Yeah that makes sense! At least a decision will be made in the near future! :slight_smile: