Is it normal to have only 1 or 2 day trades in one week?


It has taken me around 3 years and have finally become consistently profitable for now at least… However, one issue that I have is that there are some weeks that I may only have 1 or 2 day trades in a whole week. I mostly trade with the trend only, so when the market starts to pullback or consolidate on the higher timeframes, I most probably won’t have a setup for a few days until the trend continues again. We seem to be in this period right now where we are pulling back…

My question is whether it is normal to have a system like this where I only have 1 or 2 trades in some weeks, or even no trades in some weeks?

Thanks for your help!

Yes it is absolutely normal. All it takes is 1 good solid trade to be in profit. Depends on what and how youre trading it.

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No - it certainly isn’t normal at all, and that’s a good thing. :slight_smile:

“Norms” are built around losers. It’s “normal” for traders to lose money. 95%+ of people trying to trade are losing money.

You wouldn’t want to be doing anything that’s “normal”? You need to be in the very small minority who make consistent, steady profits, and that obviously means doing “abnormal” things, doesn’t it? You don’t get to be in a very small minority by doing what’s “normal”?

I think a better question might be whether it’s “sensible” or “wise”?

I think it probably is.

Trading “with the trend only” is obviously a sensible and valid approach, and if that’s reducing your trade frequency, so be it.

It may be possible to compensate for that, to some extent, by trading a wider range of instruments from the ones you normally trade? I don’t mean really obscure currencies (which have their own drawbacks), but possibly gold, or oil, or whatever, might also be worth your while looking at? Or even a stock index??


I also day trade, and 2-3 trades per week is normal for me. Ocassionally, depending on news or other volatility, I might not be in the market for a week or more. In December I was out of the market for about two weeks.

You can’t force the markets to give you more winners, although it will certainly allow you to grab as many losers as you like. So we wait, patiently, for those high probability trades, while ‘normals’ just can’t seem to keep themselves out of the markets.


Thank you for your replies!

good and profitable trading is boring.

when youre bored then you are doing it the right way.


Not unusual for me. When I’ve opened a trade I don’t open another until the first has profit locked in with a stop.
I can stay in a trade anywhere between an hour and several weeks, until my tp or sl is hit.

If it works, don’t change it


I think it rear. Very few people can control them from opening trade. They just can’t resist themselves to open trade. It’s good that you only open trade when your strategy permits you. You don’t force the market. It requires a lot of patience. Wish you happy trading…

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Yeah it is normal and I often do that too. Also, if it works for you then you should not change it. Just “leave well alone” :wink:

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