Is it true? 95% brokers win and 5% traders win?

Why everyone said, the brokers always win 95% and trader win 5%, if this fact is true, why we still trade if we knew we end up losing?

Actually when you spread a comment in a community, people start to buzz it around without knowing the fact.

its not true that brokers always win 95%,besides their profit is not directly tied to the to the success or failure of traders.

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Here’s what my broker states:

Think about what that says exactly. Accounts, not traders. Profitable traders don’t open new accounts all the time, losing ones blow an account and then open a new one and probably blow that. It’s entirely possible that in terms of traders trading, the ratio is far more positive.

As a newbie I’d put a 90% chance on you blowing your account all the same…

Welcome Fizkal

I believe that these states are true. But it’s all relevant.

A professional trader will be educated in risk management and will only trade to a proven and tested strategy, these are the 5% winners. The other 95% of traders are dipping in with zero education or knowledge of risk management, and place bets rather than trades, these are the losers.

that’s measured over a 3-month period, though, isn’t it?

if you measure it over a year or more, the proportion of retail accounts losing money is much closer to 100%, because the 20% of customers in profit over the specific 3-month period cited includes very, very, very few steadily profitable traders who can pull that off consistently - and almost all of those very, very, very few who actually can eventually switch to trading forex futures instead, so that their broker is on their side, the commissions are lower, there aren’t any spreads, all brokers have exactly the same prices, and they’re trading in a completely transparent and honest market


There are also those who about break even lol.

I’d say if the account goes down, just make sure it falls with style. :laughing:

Instead of having a huge cliff dive like a majority of impulsive gambler types.

“a broker does not lose any money when clients earn profits* because the broker is not the counterparty!” so, basically their win is not tied to our lose.

Hello Fizkal!
I do not know and do not care about the fact or maybe the rumor that you mentioned, I think even if it is true it’s because of our systems and strategies!
Do not think that they are scamming traders, we all know good traders that are making profits all the time but here and in this case, I think they are using human’s greed and emotions not just by scamming and hurting us!
Best Luck/

i am not sure for that but i think they are scamming us
swear to god everytime i find a good oportunity to trade the spreads will be 5 time more than what it was
it is funny if i say i think they have problem with only me but i think they do it with no reason and i dont like it
and i gamblled a lot there was like forex too you cant win at the end the casino is winner

I don’t believe this fact very much, because it is clear that a lot of profitable traders are still actively participating in forex market and are making big profits. In my opinion, the most important and helpful issue, is finding brokers that suit our requirements and strategies.

It’s very important that you ring your broker and make sure your account isn’t connected to an affiliate account .

It should be stated on this forum that when newbies sign up to a broker it’s not from an affiliate link because they make money if you lose the affiliate

First of all, welcome Fizkal :boom:. After that, I wanna tell you that it’s just gossip. Brokers make money whether you lose or win because their profits come from the spreads, not from the losses or wins of their clients.