Is manual trading coming to an end?

This is so true.


Legit!! Well said. It has been said by those who have not worked hard on it and play luck game. That is all.

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I won’t say that manual trading is coming to an end but it is surely becoming less popular among people.

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Well, manual trading is much popular with full time traders, part timers or beginners prefer automated.
When you trust yourself, manual is the best way to go. so, not coming to an end, its just, people are not fully indulging themselves into trading , just my thought.

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I’m sure pretty soon there will be fully automated trading accounts for even very small deposits. These might be accessible through your own online dashboard at home, or you might be able to drop 100 quid to a brokerage manager and they’ll plug it into some AI, according to your risk tolerance preference or score.

At some point, all these AI’s will find they’re chasing price and there will be a terrific wipe-out. And we’ll alll say this was obviously bound to happen. Just like in 2007.

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In a very volatile market, manual trading is very hard to use especially if we are scalping
Can you guys share an example when manual trading is useful and when automated trading is useful?

An obvious reason for manual trading to come on end is because manual forex trading is that you cannot watch the trading screen for 24 hours a day, nor watch every Forex pair. This means that you will miss many good opportunities to trade. A robot has the advantage that it can run all day every day and analyze many FX pairs at the same time.

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I don’t think that Artificial intelligence will ever be able to out do the manual trading, especially for me. I trade with procastination and understanding of current trading conditions. Both these things can not be done by Robots. For me, they can do 40 % of the work and nothing more than that.

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I do not think that at all, most of us do no feel comfortable with the automated trading and specially ahead of any major events.

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