Is there anymore ways to get more education

Yep i think that , its the thing supposed to do

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Yes i agree with that, self assessment will help perfectionate our analysis and trading

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Practical knowledge helps because I saw many youtube channels and people sharing different trading strategies and they weren’t highly effective for me.

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Yep i agree with you , TRUE , Practice make perfect but Education Improve mentality and Even if you are a big trader but without a good mentality , its not enough

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Watching videos and reading books are good. what about real experience

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For Real , About trading , But Real experience in forex its better , i ment Education is something that we need to do later

No problem friend :grinning:

i really like the advice, thanks

I say look online for traders that show live trades or real profits and see what their methods are and sit down and master it for yourself. I have some lessons on my YouTube channel that will hopefully help you get started as well. :slight_smile:

These are some of the books I collected along the way.

Long-Term Secrets to Short-Term Trading: has some solid information on market structure/price action. This is my most recent purchase and I’m still working on this one. I heard ICT claims Larry Williams as one of his mentors, so I guess that makes him your mentor’s mentor, mentor :thinking:.

Naked Forex: good book on pure price action, once you get past all the goofy strategy names.

Three Lines: my personal favorite because it helped me understand supply and demand even though it isn’t the main focus of the book.

Fibonacci Analysis on Forex: very insightful if you are a Fibonacci trader. I trade with Fibs and it’s more information on Fibonacci than I will ever need. I use this more as an encyclopedia for reference. It is not light reading.

Trading In The Zone: good philosophy on the psychology of trading. Mark Douglas did have his critics because he was known as a lousy trader and many of the philosophies in his book are just that, his own philosophy.

The Candlestick Trading Bible: Good beginner book on price action trading.

Stay away from YouTube unless you already know the destination channel like Smart Risk, Doyle Exchange’s Fibonacci Strategy Playlist, ICT’s YouTube Mentorship, etc. otherwise you’ll have to sift through a mountain of marketing, click bait, and teaser content with an upsell at the end just to find the rare gem.

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At first, I struggled to find trustworthy sources on forex trading. Google’s full of noise and dodgy sites, so it took ages to find good sources. But after trying a few, I found some great websites/ youtube channels that really helped me to strategize better.

The best so far to start with is Babypips school of pipsology. You can check the header and you will see the “Learn Forex” tab.

You can read more about Forex on-

  • Investopedia Forex Trading
  • DailyFx

You can learn by watching YouTube videos of following channels (not mine though :slightly_smiling_face:)

  • The Trading Channel
  • ForexSignals
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