Hi I am a newbie to forex and I am going through the School of Pipsology and have been looking into strategies and metatrader etc. on these forums and forexfactory. However for the short term my aim is to be able to make £1000 within about 4 months with a startup of £250. Is this being unreasonable/unrealistic?
If not, are there any strategies you would recommend to me? I prefer swing trading however I can also do some day trading if it is best for me.
Realistic yes… but takes discipline. Here is a documented trade by trade I did to illustrate it can be done and I started with $400 and its now over 68k since June 9… this is the beginning video… hope this helps
[QUOTE=InnerCircleTrader;225503]Realistic yes… but takes discipline. Here is a documented trade by trade I did to illustrate it can be done and I started with $400 and its now over 68k since June 9… this is the beginning video… hope this helps
Yes, it’s all achievable. Even more achievable is that you lose your account soon after.
PipMagnit, where do you have the info from, that the best traders return is 300% or less p.a.? Do you know them in person? Did you see their bank accounts, trading accounts, etc. … ?