It's all in the name

Hi all.

Been involved in forex since 2012. Started trading back in 2014. Lost a lot, made a bit lost some more. Now I get to enjoy the fruits of my effort with a modest reward but it is still fair to say I’ve lost more than I’ve made. So in the mean time one works 9 to 5 to look after family and fund ones hobby.

Been hanging around the forum for a long time looking in and have to say what a dysfunctional group of misfits have been allowed to penetrate the ranks. Please don’t get me wrong, there are genuine yet segmented groups contributing here and much respect to those. But what is with the rest of the population. There appears to be a lot of people whom should not be speculating little known “contribute” to the community.

Maybe my voice might make a difference, maybe it won’t. And I’ll make no apologies for what I say. But I’ll say it because a reality check is needed. This is such a mugs game, but for those whom wish to pursue the dream I hope I can help.

But then again, maybe I’ll have nothing to say at all…

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Everything present in this world has some drawbacks as nothing is perfect. The forum is a community and its function is totally dependent on the members. Some members are playing their role in a perfect way and some are lacking. I will go with the ones who know their role and I believe in the forum babypips. Kind regards!

Hey @Wonel, I think the person you replied to is no longer a member of babypips.