Well, just glancing at your picture, and the totals. My goals are a little more demanding.
Currently, I have been risking 2% every trade, I know that’s a lot for a beginner like myself to start with. But I have been consistent with it and don’t have much psychological problems getting in the way. Besides, I’d need to lose around 34 trades in a row to go down to half of my equity, that’s almost as hard as winning 34 trades in a row.
Also, I have started reading up on other risk management techniques to emphasize wins and hopefully reduce losses. I had been looking at the Kelly Criterion as a multiple of my risk %, it’s a higher risk for sure, but doesn’t exceed about 3.5% per trade, and I will only ever enter one trade at once and usually only one a day for that matter. Currently, I have started to demo with it, and see how that is going, if satisfactory, I will incorporate it into my trading plan.
Since you and I are both fimilar with ICT’s thread, I am trading mainly with his principles. Except, I am aiming for much higher reward to risk ratio trades. My last 4-5 trades have had about an average of 4:1 ratio.
I know you’re thinking my trading must be extremely aggresive, but it isn’t so. Since I try to restrict my trading to about 1-2 times a week, and only during London Opens. I’ll admit though, with high reward to risk ratio, and 2% risk, I am almost gaining 7-8% weekly… Which is starting to bother me. (I usually aim for 80-100 pips weekly, once I have grabbed 80 though, I will be extremely selective of my entries and trading, unless the probabilities are extremely favourable, I won’t risk it.)
It’s a nice amount, don’t get me wrong, but I fear it may be too much, and I am worried that I may look for more in the future which will prevent me from being consistent…
But we will see I guess… =)
Edit: I like your spreadsheet, and I will try to duplicate it myself and show you it. =) You and I are some of the few beginners that I see here now with somewhat realistic goals, hence I like to keep in touch with you.