I've made all G10 forex spreadsheets using Anton Kreil's PFTM Method

I would b happy if explain to me how to get the intervals coz I am confused especially when calculating distribution

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Bear J can you plz explain how you get the intervals when calculating distributions

I am also confused on how to get the intervals when calculating distribution

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What do you mean precisely for calculation distrubutions? which of the many?
The building process of the ATR do you mean?

I have also taken the course and have nothing to say against it. It helped me understand a lot of things about forex that I didn’t find anywhere else. I agree that it is a bit expensive but totally worth it.

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Hey Bear, how do you come up with the exo score of a cross pair? You gather all the Majors USD exos scores, for example say:
NZD/USD = -11 (Short)
EUR/USD = 14 (Long)

How do you come with the final Exo number for EUR/NZD?

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how much did u pay for?

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Hi @Bear.J

Incredible work, well done!

Currently building my own versions of the endogenous spreadsheets and goodness me, perseverance is needed. Been an enjoyable process so far though :slight_smile:

To be honest, I’m unsure of the logic around how the scorecards are built (at least, how Anton suggests to do it). At one point he seems to read across the graph, drawing a line between the two chart axes…“here we have ‘0.3’, and as you can see that lines up with ‘1.0’”… I am sat there in disbelief…surely that can’t be right! Altering the scale of the vertical axis on the chart changes the result…

Similarly, filtering the CPI data (for example) to get average approx GDP never seems to reproduce readings that are even close to what he puts in the scorecard. CPI 0.30 doesn’t equate to GDP 1%, surely?

I’m wondering, did you find a way around that in your own versions of the spreadsheets? I suspect I’m doing something wrong…or perhaps it really is just a qualitative assumption based on how normal/abnormal the reading is. I may end up simplifying the scoring system somewhat anyway, to make it more suitable for the level of trading that I do (I’m not going to be a millionaire trader, at least, I don’t think so!).

Anyway, all the best - good to see someone else out there grafting away on the data! Actually great fun once you get going.


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Hi Bear,

How can I buy your G10 Spreadsheet?

Thank you!

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Can you link the discord if it has been created? Also, I sent you an email regarding the spreadsheets, I am very interested!

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Hi guys , i can vouch for the G10 spreadsheets and they are time saving

I just wanna find someone to team up with to do a spreadsheet on oil , there lots of money to be made there especially for trades that are put on for a month or more?

Hello, is there a way Bear or you can contact me. I am interested in buying spreedsheets

Is Bear J still active

Click on his/her avatar twice to get to the profile page. Says last seen Nov 21…so no, not active in months. Try to message. Can’t hurt.

hey man great work how can I buy please