Ivybot -- Comments? success? settings?

Well…BUY IT…TEST DIFFERENT SETTINGS…doesnt work?..then REFUND IT…heheh :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats our deserved protection

their support just sucks, I created 3 tickets from ivybotsupport.com and no receipt received in my mailbox to check the status… not even replies from them…

how should do to get refund from them if they don’t reply?

after 2 profit trades, following with all losing trades until today…


I got a refund from another EA earlier this year. I used the link in the ClickBank receipt, which I hope you got when you bought Ivy.
Then you could file a ticket on ClickBank saying you want a refund because of not satisfied with product, and hey - money back.

Good luck!


Hi Carl,

what you mean is the ClickBank Customer Service link in the invoice email right?

anyway, thanks a lot for the useful info.


Yep, that is correct!


A lot of these people who are posting amazing claims have less than 10 posts. I’m not stupid and can clearly see that these people either work for ivy or a promoting ivy, some of the posts have even had web links removed.

Can’t the admin just ban these people because in my opinion these threads just seem like an advertisement rather than honest opinions.

I personally am a good trader, I swing trade UK stocks however people keep telling me to “get into forex”, all I seem to see in this so called market is spammy web ads made with cheap software and people falling for the same old affiliate marketing ploys.

I used to be in affiliate marketing 10 years ago and gave up because a) I made more money trading stocks and b) most of the main genres such as dating, penis enlargement and viagra were getting too saturated plus people wern’t falling for the bogus marketing anymore.

It would seem that forex is an anomoly as the same style of peddling is being used in this niche.

I persoanlly would love to use a successfull forex bot but I personally DO NOT believe one exists, if it did, why on earth would the author sell it to someone else??? It’s the same as the get rich schemes, these bots are being sold to you buy the same guys who used to do pixel boards, HYIP’s and before that, ponzi schemes.

The way I see it the best way to get a bot is to develop your own trading strategy and then hire a programmer to implement it. That’s what I plan to do.

I know I’ll probably be banned from this website and this post removed so do your friends a favour and let them know what I’ve just said, before they get suckered into.

Hi, where Can I download the smartkick ea. I would like to try it and also the kingstonepower ea you saying where can I download it…

Yes, I think most are sharks, swarming in the water looking for a quick meal. I have contacted the makers of this EA 5 times with no reply. I guess I’ll have to go about getting my refund a different way. :20:

More than likely if you find a good EA, the owner will be selling signals and not the EA its self. Too many ways to decompile the ex4 back to code. Look on the many auto trading sites for traders trading with their EA. There are some that are available to trade from these sites that are real. I also like the idea that the trader can change settings or even stop it altogether as necessary. Anyway my 2cents.