Ivybot -- Comments? success? settings?

hi there!! Like on others expert advisers ( ea) the pop up window means just that is an alarma to let you know what the robot is doing. You do no have to click it ok if you don’t want to do it to authorize or finish a trade made or being made by your robot. The ok click… Is just to get rid of the window. Remember that this is an automated system/ ( ea)/

Today was similar to watching a train wreck in slow motion. I know it could have been worse, but like others here, I lost in both my trades for the day.

I have the same tendency as others… Start tweaking the settings… But the whole sales pitch was buy it, install it, make money. I am not changing a single setting on my default conservative settings that came with Ivy. It either works, or it doesn’t.

In 30 to 40 days when I ask for my refund I will be able to say honestly that I didn’t mess up it’s trading strategy by adjusting the programmed settings.

If others want to tweak their settings and inform the group of Beta Testers here, that would be a wonderful endeavor, and a grand gesture. Who knows… I, and others in this forum, might learn something by your adjustments.

MetaTrader account:
74873805 2009.08.10 03:42 buy 0.10 usdjpy 97.18 0.00 98.00 2009.08.10 15:42 97.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5.15
74908140 2009.08.10 15:42 buy 0.10 usdjpy 97.17 0.00 97.99 2009.08.11 03:43 96.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 -25.79
0.00 0.00 0.00 -30.94

BasicFX account:
376643 2009.08.10 03:39 buy 0.10 usdjpy 97.19 0.00 98.01 2009.08.10 15:39 97.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4.12
1379842 2009.08.10 15:39 buy 0.10 usdjpy 97.18 0.00 98.00 2009.08.11 03:39 96.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 -25.79
0.00 0.00 0.00 -29.91:o

major loss today. loss 30 over. I guess it isnt such a good day afterall. i knew that it wouldnt be going to shoot up. Disappointing. Hope IVY 5.0 will be doing some difference anyways. im on the verge on clicking on refund already.

rubberband - of course there are internal take profits. Right click on ur EA n look at the properties. its all set in. ~

i got the basically the same results in my BasicFX as kinetics did with the default settings.

the aggressive settings i was 1 good and 1 bad trade

1377555 2009.08.10 07:43 buy 0.10 usdjpy 97.12 0.00 97.92 2009.08.10 17:43 97.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.39
1381459 2009.08.10 18:48 buy 0.10 usdjpy 97.23 0.00 98.03 2009.08.11 04:49 96.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 -31.99

we will see what the this next week holds.


sorry for my english… :slight_smile:

got the ivy since 8 days, yesterday first trades, 2x long usdjpy with profit.

and short eurjpy @ 136.99 reached tp @ 136.60. nice trade with 39pips profit. anybody else god this trade?

using the standard settings on an active trades account.

i think it`s better you will have some good trades (like megadroid) then one trade after other.

greetings vom stuttgart germany

I am down $ 154.00 with the Ivybot Default Settings over the last two weeks.

I have a $ 1,500 Real Account with FXDD.


Hi Everyone

I’m pretty new to Forex Trading, and only got the Ivybot yesterday. No trades yet (currently on DEMO account with FXDD), but the USDJPY bot doesn’t backtest well (default settings)… the results are all over the place

I’m considering only running other 3 bots on live account. Anybody have some thoughts on USDJPY bot?

ivybot short again EURJPY@ 136.32 tp@ 135.93 time 15.04

What’s ur setting pls?
I am using aggressive set, but not opened this trade.

and again short EURJPY@ 135.73 tp@ 135.43 time 16.50 europe

profit today 78pips

[B]I purchased Ivybot two weeks ago the day when it was first releasedto the public.

I downloaded and installed Ivybot on my computer system.

I used the default settings with a live $ 1,500 FXDD Trading Account.

I am using the Lot Size of 0.50 based on a $ 1,500 Account Balance as recommeded in the Ivybot PDF User Manual.

Two weeks ago there was one trade with USD/JPY which made around
$ 64.00.

Last week there were no trades.

On Sunday and Monday this week there were two trades with USD/JPY for a total of around $ 154.00 loss.

Today Tuesday there has been one active trade with USD/JPY and it is down as of 10:55 AM around $ 375.00.



hi david12

using default settings on my live account.

and aggressiv settings on demo account.

but both accounts are making the same trades.


No trades here…hmm. What is your broker? :S

tp is tp@ 135.34 not 43. and again 39 pips profit :slight_smile:

broker is active trades london.

hope it works…

No trade here on the EURJPY. I’m getting more confused.


standard setting EURJPY is TP39 pips


if you mean the usdjpy trades, ivy closed the first and opend a second a few times later.

but if you look the results here, you will see that anybody did have other results, broker1 is other then broker2…


maybe its important for ivy to have fixed spreads. if you have floating spreads, maybe you have to turn your slippage higher to 4 or 5pips

Sorry guys, I know I’m relatively new here but I have to put my 2 cents worth in … and most of you probably already know this but here goes anyway …

Taking into account I’m talking about live accounts and not demo accounts, as a total newbie I initially opened an account with FXDD (ForexMeta) like all these EAs suggest you do, and my results were terrible. Very few trades happened, and those that did, most were not very profitable, if profitable at all. One of my acquaintances showed me his results with Alpari US and the trades hardly matched up at all with my FXDD account. There were lots of profitable trades his account was making that my FXDD account did not make.

So I took the plunge, opened an Alpari US account and transferred my funds over. The differences in the results were like night and day, it was amazing. More trades were placed and while I had the account, it had only 1 losing trade (using MegaDroid) and the loss was very small. Then another acquaintance compared his results with mine from his IBFX account since we were using the same robot, and again there were, what I considered to be, significant differences in the trading history.

So I opened another account with IBFX, and to test my theory out between the 2 accounts, I used the same robot on the same currency pairs with the same settings, only the balances were a tad different. And sure enough, the results were quite different, even with all the same settings with the same robot. The same trades were made about 70% of the time, but there were trades the Alpari account made that the IBFX account didn’t, and vice versa.

And even with my 2 Alpari accounts (1 business, 1 personal), using the same robot with the same settings on the same currency pair - only the balances were different - I still got different results. The smaller balanced account caught trades the other one didn’t and actually had a slightly higher gain than the larger account.

Basically what I’m getting at is there are a ton of variables here, and the broker you use is one of the major variables. While I find it’s helpful to see the results others are having, that’s something you need to bear in mind especially if you’re using a different broker than the person making the post. And even if it’s the same broker, your results could be significantly different than theirs.

I changed brokers (again) due to the NFA rules and moved over to FXCM UK. I haven’t even been trading a week with them yet so it’s too soon to see what the results will be like … but I have to admit, having the ability to hedge if I need to will be a significant benefit and worth the move.

I did go ahead and tweak my IvyBot optimized scalper settings though because from everything I’ve learned so far, the TP level they had it set at was way too high for being a scalper. The whole idea of scalping is to take a small number of pips from numerous quick trades, 6 to 10 pips max. The settings IvyBot had were way above those levels so I lowered the TP to 10, and if I can ever get the Alert screen to go away so the trades can automatically start, I think I’ll be set.

Okay, so that was way more than 2 cents worth, but oh well … :rolleyes:

Thanks for the info, but it’s not working properly for me! :eek:

This is what I got back from IvyBot Support and it’s similar to what you said:

The pop up you see is not required for a trade to be made. It is telling you that a trade was placed. It is not required that you click OK for the trade to be executed, it will be executed regardless. This was designed to help show customers that trades are being placed.

Thank you,

The Ivybot team

That may have been the intention but that’s not how it’s working. The first time this happened, it showed that it tried to open the trade around 5:30am, but the trade didn’t actually open until I clicked on “okay” (around 8am) which by then, the trade had already come and gone and I wound up in the negative. I double checked the history for the timing and I can confirm that the trade was NOT placed until I hit “okay.”

The next time it happened, I didn’t want the same thing to happen so I clicked on the red “x” to close the box instead of clicking “okay.” That time, it closed the box and did NOT place any of the numerous trades it showed were trying to be placed - at least 5 or more trades that had tried to open around 5:00am-ish in the morning. I double checked the account history and sure enough, it showed that no trades had been placed once I closed the box.

It happened again this morning, and again I closed the box instead of clicking “okay” and again, no trades were placed.

But this time I noticed that the box was labeled “Alert” and a light bulb went off. I remembered seeing in the Options menu that certain Alerts can be enabled and disabled. And sure enough, when I went to check that setting, there were 2 Alerts enabled regarding EAs so I disabled them all and I’ll see if that doesn’t fix the problem. Hopefully it does …