Jack of All Trades, Master of None

Hi All!

Have you ever met that guy that seems to have done a little bit of everything (to the point of disbelief)? That’s me :wink: . My trading knowledge has the same kind of flavour to it…I guess the trait holds true right through me. I’m no expert on anything but I have a thought or ten about most things.

I started getting curious about Forex 11 or 12 years ago after a room-mate of mine showed me some basics. That little session guaranteed obsessive dives into the subject over the last decade or so. When life wasn’t in the way I would google the ever-living crap out of the subject until I had what looked to be a workable strategy. At that point, I would always think, “This has the makings of a Golden Ticket!”.
How many of you shaking your heads? Yep. Back to the drawing board I went. I can admit it freely now. I glossed right over the psychology of it all. On the flip-side of the coin, it serves as a perfect example of what I consider to be the absolute Golden Rule of trading: Psychology rules the roost!

I won’t wish you all luck, because that’s not what it takes. Instead, I’ll say have the patience to wait for the perfect trade, the courage to take it, and the nerve to let it play out!


If you can learn to change your mindset to focus only on percentage terms, it would make your emotional challenges a lot easier. Trouble is, thinking about money is the downfall of 80% of traders.

Best of luck.

Well said! Welcome!

That was such a fun read! :blush: I loved the way you delivered your introduction. :clap:

Aren’t we all trying to look for this? Haha. When in reality, there’s no such thing. :sweat_smile: But I’m glad you’re giving forex another go! :blush: And because you now have a lot of meaningful learnings, I’m sure things will turn out a lot better. I’m excited to see more of what you’ll have to say! :smiley:

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Happy to entertain :grin: