[U][B]Without the Will There is no Individuality: And in Proportion as the Will is Strong or Weak, So is the Individual Strong or Weak: The Will is the Individual
When desire has proceeded through unconscious growth accompanied by expectation so clear as to admit no shadow of doubt to cloud it, it becomes what we call a will. What, then, is a human will? It is desire ripened into a knowledge of power; ripened to the point where it feels that it is master and can stand alone, commanding what it pleases, begging and borrowing of none. At this point, if a man will learn the Law of Growth as he may learn it, he can take himself up where unconscious growth dropped him, and go on growing through all eternity. This he must do if he is to continue his existence on this planet. He is a self-created being and cannot shuffle off the responsibility of his existence. He must do his own growing. Even the death of the body, should his spirit survive it, will not release him from the work. Death is one of the things he must conquer before he can make further advancement. He must conquer death for himself, or he must so recognize the principles of its conquest by others as to become a participant in this conquest. This latter kind of conquest is salvation by belief. It is a species of mental healing, a kind of self-hypnotism. In time it may ripen into a more positive kind of salvation.
Desire, in its forth going in search of happiness, never positively commands that for which it is reaching until it comes to the place where it sees its own power. As soon as it sees its power it knows what its true character is, and is able to pronounce its own name, and that name the Human Will.
The human will—these are words of unmeasured and immeasurable power. What strength the thought of them confers! Whosoever can pronounce them understandingly is no longer under the bondage of fear, no longer compelled to submit to sickness, poverty or death. Such can truthfully say, "I am what I desire to be. My intelligence has at last crowned my desire and shown me my own mastery. I have that measure of understanding that enables me to see myself as I am. I have been building myself all through the ages without knowing what I was building. Now I know. I have been building a human will, the world’s conqueror.’’ Intelligence has ripened blind desire into that positive personality, a human will.
Let us look at the will for a moment—the will which has come to a knowledge of man’s true relationship to all things. Why! what a vaunting thing it is! It sets aside all those limitations so long prescribed by its fear. It tells him at once what he wants is incarnate in himself. The intelligence recognizes the Tightness of desire; desire is guided by the intelligence; the two are at one—that one the will of the man—and it in harmony with the Law of Being.
What we will we love; therefore, to be a human will is to be a human love. We do not will that to be which we do not love.
Intellect in man has been shaped by contact with the outside world. It has been pressed into a mold, as it were, by its environments, and these environments seem to it to be utterly unyielding and inflexible. Therefore, the intellect in its present phase of development prescribes boundaries to the will, to the vital life force within us, and it has been imposing these bounds for centuries to the retarding of our growth.
The man who is afraid of his will is afraid of his love. He is afraid of the best part of himself, for the will is the highest attribute he possesses. It is not only the highest, but it is the strongest; it is that which makes him go. To go aright is a matter of experience with him; but to go at all is the great point. The will turns ever in the direction of happiness. It never seeks unhappiness. All so-called sins are simply mistakes; they are misdirected efforts at the attainment of happiness that everyone will avoid if he certainly knows how to do so. The old idea that human nature is depraved, and that we would rather sin than not, becomes positively absurd when the character of sin is understood. A sin being the mistake a man makes in the pursuit of happiness, it is folly to suppose that he will make mistakes willfully, when every mistake he makes helps to retard the pleasure he is seeking. It is as if we said a man would go the way he does not wish rather than the way he does wish to go.
Christian Science in denying individuality denies not the functions of the will alone, but those of the intellect also. This is a very grave mistake. Individuality is the visible expression of the universal will. If “at the beginning” was “The Word,” then individuality is the spoken word, the word made manifest. Without the will there is no individuality, and in proportion as the will is strong or weak so is the individual strong or weak. The will is the individual.
Nature is not a myth, as Christian Science asserts. Man’s personal life is an assured reality, and all the efforts of Mental Science are directed toward the establishment of the man more firmly in it. This is the one matter of infinite importance, and instead of ignoring it, every aim of my life and of every word I have written, or shall write, will be directed toward the establishment of it more firmly in race belief. The will is a force. It pushes onward; it is expansive, and if an uneducated intellect did not hold it in check, it would soon carry the race out of the ruts in which it has been moving for ages.
That desire should be held in check until the intelligence had ripened to a comprehension of its uses seems to have been a wise thing. No doubt it has been the proper thing, for in nature “whatever is, is right.” But now that the intellect has grown to an understanding of the uses of desire and begins to cast about, wondering how it can cooperate with, instead of seeking means to crush it, desire may wisely be given leadership. As soon as the intellect learns the value and uses of desire, the seeming two will have become consciously one; that one, the indestructible will, and in the language of theology, man will have made the atonement (at-one-ment) and may rightfully exercise authority over all things below him, both animate and inanimate.
The evolution of the universal will through our personalities will bring heaven to the world, for the universal will is love.
Without personality there would be no uses, nothing to do, no works to bring forth, no faculties of brain to develop. A heaven without personalities would be even more uninviting than the one where saints wear crowns, play on harps, and have one eternal Sabbath.
To be forever busy in making our surroundings better and enlarging our sphere of activities, knowing that there is no limit to our faculties any more than there is a limit to the Principle of Attraction—this is heaven.
Obedience to the will, which is the voice of the Life Principle in man, involves constant effort. Will inspires to perpetual conquest. Conquest is life; there is no life but by conquest. Anything short of continual conquest is death.
Irresolution or weakness expresses itself in all the various forms of disease, including old age, and ending in death. The constant conquest essential to one who means to outlive and outdistance all the weaknesses incident to humanity on this present plane looks appalling to a person of ordinary habits of indolence; for, I repeat, that constant conquest involves constant effort; and habits of indolence are among the first things to conquer. If one yields to habits of indolence in thought he expresses this condition in the absence of action, and sinks deeper and deeper into a state of lethargy leading down to death. We must patiently cultivate a dauntlessness of will that is ready to overleap any barrier and undertake anything, and we must begin this in the small things of everyday life.
Small conquests are great in their time, and no conquest goes uncounted in the general makeup of character.
Perhaps you feel too weak for the day’s work. Say, “My intelligent will is competent to manage this;” then put your hands to the work, remembering that the will in you is from that unfailing source, the vital principle itself—the steam power in every motion ever made, whether great or small—and see how fast the strength will come.
Perhaps you hesitate over some business undertaking, the success of which rests with you, and with no one else. Look to your intelligent will for moral support. Trust it as the saint trusts his oracle. Do not cloud it by doubt, and it will lift you over every difficulty and crown you with victory. Note this—that I use the words “intelligent will.” I make a distinction between intelligent will and the brute will, though they are both one in different states of development. The brute will and the intellectual will are the same thing, only that the intellectual will has been lifted to a higher plane through the development of the reasoning powers. Man has been invincible through the strength of the will on all the lower planes of existence. The will he exercised was the will of the brute. Man may become absolutely invincible by the cultivation of the intellectual will, and may wield an infinitely greater power than he ever before wielded. Disease, old age and death are but intellectual negations, or denials, of the strength and perfectness of the will. The will is the moving power of the man. It is a man’s very self. It is great and strong in proportion as the strength and power are recognized and confided in.
The will should be the executor of the intellect and our bodies the executors of our wills. It is said that man is dual. Very well; he is will and intelligence, or love and intelligence. These two are one. A knowledge of this fact is the marriage everywhere spoken of in the Bible. It is that union which will produce the fruit of righteousness (rightness) or holiness (wholeness); that is, it will make us right, or whole, put us in harmonious relations with the principle of being, and so enable us to command it.
The will is the man.
The will alone has rights.
Nothing besides the will has any rights whatever.
The whole aim of life should be to live the will and to make the will personal in our bodies.
Every place in this chapter where the word “will” is used the word “love” may be substituted without changing the meaning materially. The will of the man is the love of the man. That which he loves he wills, and when intelligence is truly married to desire, the resultant will is rightful ruler of all things.
But to go back to the word “desire.” Desire is love in its outreaching form. It is love before it comes to an understanding of itself, reaching out towards an understanding of itself. It cries, “More! More!” every moment. More what? More food, the creature thinks. More knowledge, more recognition of itself, is really what it wants—a better understanding of its infusing Life Principle—and this it gets constantly, and as constantly yields a better materialization of itself, or a better personality.
At last it reaches that point of understanding of itself where it gets an idea of its own power, and then desire takes on a more positive character and culminates in will. That is to say, when the intelligence recognizes the true nature of desire, all that out-reaching which had appeared as desire simply, feels the power enshrined within it, and so calls itself a will.