Japanese Yen Dominates, British Pound Plummets on Dismal UK News (Forex Video)

Japanese yen remains in demand as FX carry trades tumble while British pound comes under pressure on signs of surging UK budget deficit. Canadian retail sales set to decline on Thursday…

[B]Stories To Watch on DailyFX[/B]

  •           [What economic news impacted the FX markets today](http://www.dailyfx.com/story/bio1/Japanese_Yen_Continues_to_Make_1240432941425.html) and [how may Candian retail sales affect the Canadian dollar](http://www.dailyfx.com/story/trading_reports/trading_news_reports/USD_CAD__Trading_the_Canadian_Retail_1240397881417.html) on Thursday?
  •           Check out the DailyFX team's [FX trading weekly forecast](http://www.dailyfx.com/story/topheadline/Forex_Trading_Weekly_Forecast___1240012054559.html) and [individual trading picks](http://www.dailyfx.com/analyst_picks/index.html?current=2009/04/20).

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