JÄWÄ's Price Action Trading Method

Oh geeze… It’s kinda fun to see these old threads get bumped up. It’s always some new trader who thinks he’s got this amazing system, trades it a few months successfully (allegedly), has his fun playing the guru for all the other novices … Then slowly fades away as the system begins to bleed money as it wasn’t based on anything except a few gimmicky indicators or candlestick patterns.

Yeah, it’s a pity. I guess SithJawa blew up. His last login was in Dec 2012.

Nice strategy you got there JAWA… I really see that Trading is more of Price Action and Mind set.

Kevin Lacoste

Trading is like Mr Goldman once said, “In Hollywood nobody knows anything” We tend to idolize the markets (the tape is always right!) but instead of wisdom of the crowds the market often represents the sum of the stupidity of all of its participants. I have just borrowed this from one seasoned trader…Boris Schlossberg. All systems tend be the best while they work, So, you simply make sure you are the next to move in the market but not the first and move out while others are still chasing the market.