JÄWÄ's Price Action Trading Method

Thanks so do you still sell when price is in the bottom of the BB or past it in a trending market? Also how do you tell a trending market from a ranging market? What are your criteria for that?

normally im in a trade, i’d say about 80% of the time on each chart, therefore when a sell signal occurs in the bottom BB im probably already in on that trade, so i would see that new pin bar as either a reversal, an exit, or a continuation, and i would figure out which one it is based on the 1 hour price action, if its a reversal it will be breaking through the dynamic supports, if its a continuation it will be bouncing off the dynamic supports, and if im not exactly sure whats going on i might exit to lock in my pips just in case

if i am already in a trade and a continuation signal occurs normally ill put some more money into the trade, if im not in a trade ill only trade it if it has other confluence just to be sure, like if its is very obviously rejecting the dynamic support thats a good sign, if its on a falling trendline thats a good sign, if its at a fib retracement level that is also awesome, you really just have to get a feel for each chart and the way the money moves

HOWEVER, if your capital is limited or youd prefer to stick to nothing but the highest of probability trades look at it this way, if there is a sell signal in the bottom BB, why take it if there is another sell signal on another chart in the upper BB? by using many charts you can avoid bad market conditions on one chart by trading another, so although you could make the trade, you could also find a less risky trade on another chart :3

and as for determining what kind of market condition it is everyone has different ways, i like to see the price reject reversals a couple times before i determine it is treding, and ranging markets are pretty obviously a market that has waves of movement to both bulls and bears

Hi SithJawa,

I noticed in another thread you mentioned using MACD, are you still using this or have you dropped it?

Also going back to taking half profit, is it that you manually trail and take profit or does your broker have a special order for instructing this to happen?


I’m new this this thread. Could you post a recent chart or two with a 4hour/1hour set up? I would like to review a more current trade. I really appreciate your thread.

sorry for not responding! i did not see any replies in my email :3

@slipp3ryWhippit: i am actually not using that anymore, the reason being convenience, it was just as profitable if not more so but i could not have the custom indicators i needed on my phone, so it was just easier to go without it and just trade price action, and i manually do it, as far as im aware NO broker allows multiple take profits, and they also do not allow hedging, so i manually take it out, i get price alerts sent to my phone (newsimpact.com) and then i just close out half on my metatrader, there are also ea’s that take half profit but you have to leave your computer on at all times for that and i dont want to wear out my laptop screen

@Greg Jones: im actually working on refining this strategy even more and making it so easy an idiot could use it profitably, right now i am done backtesting the changes and am going to put up my account history for the trades along with the system when i post it, so i probably wont be on till then in a couple weeks, but once i do put up the more refined system with the account history ill put the link here :slight_smile:

im refining it more to make it easier for my friends to start learning forex, im trying to take out all of the skill variables and just make a very technically sound system

Did you get any signals this week. I am struggling to find one and took wrong ones and lost money.

oh my… did you traded it with live account?

Sewth Jawa,
So far so good. I’m 4 out of five with your method. I’m still unsure of reading the tea leaves, but I’m getting an idea. I would still love to see more trade set ups. Please post a few. As a retired educator I would encourage you to post more set up. Learning this method is a process and reading the four one hour bars is going to be a challenge for traders.

Attached are two trade that worked out. I set conservative targets because I’m still not sure.


Yes Mario I did

these were my trades for the week on GBP/JPY, it takes time to get the feel for it, but remember not to get discouraged at the losses, there have been times i’d have a loss i was so sure would be a winner then i’d sit out the next signal only to see that trade be a winner, no system is 100%, all that matters is the end result

im sorry i haven’t been around recently, i am currently spending pretty much every second of my day developing a new strategy based off of this strategy, its nearly the same but the changes being made make it much simpler and much more effective, its not yet complete and i will post it to the forum when its done with results and backtests and all that good stuff

Hi Sith,

These candles dont appear like that on my chart…

what broker are you using? -

My broker is forex.com but thats not the issue, each broker has different servers with different candle open and close times, mine open and close every 4 hours EST (12PM, 4PM, 8PM, 12AM etc.), regardless you can still find valid signals no matter where your servers are located :slight_smile:


Thanks very much for the posting. As I work with your method I learn something new each time I trade it. Right now I’m trading Micros to get a handle on your PA strategy. My plan is to work toward trading minis , my criteria will be how well I’m able to implement your PA Strategy over time. I really like the four hour/one hour concept of reading the chart. Keep up the great work and I really appreciate that you are sharing this great strategy with other traders.


Have you ever tried it on a daily/4hr or daily/6hr combination ?

Same here, thanks SithJawa, your post was the tipping point for me to start trading (demo/1day charts) and studying PA .

I’ll be continuing to follow with keen interest.

thanks for the support guys :smiley: its great that i can share what i’ve learned, i myself only learned from people sharing what they knew and that is entirely responsible for me becoming a profitable trader :slight_smile:

@Kimonz: I have never live traded those combinations as i dislike trading daily candles (because they miss alot of potential pip gains), but i have manually backtested it and it does work :slight_smile: it also works for the 1 hour/15 minutes, the problem however with going to a shorter or longer timeframe is what affects the market, on the 4 hour time frame you can catch all the moderate sized moves, and are not affected badly by news, on the lower timeframes news has an extreme effect on trading that will either stop you out or take your profits, either way it makes for a volatile market, and when we go to the higher timeframe the problem is we miss all the moderate moves

Jawa, what % risk do you take on each trade?

@smacko: 5%, however you really need to be able to trade a system with a high% of profitability before you go that high, for instance if you start off only winning 60% of your trades, that is 6 out of 10 trades, if you lose those 4 trades in a row you’re down 20% of your account if you had been trading 5% risk where as if you were trading something more safe like 2% you’d only be down 8%, i myself have an average W/L of 80-90% (roughly), the most trades i have ever lost in a row is 4 (twas a dark day)

This is how i think you should decide your risk, determine the average W/L of a system through manual backtesting or experience, then leave room for all the failures to happen at once, for instance if your system wins 60% of the time allow yourself room to lose the first 4 out of 10 trades and still be able to trade the same amount of money each trade, where as if you have a higher profatibility over time increase your risk, that’s how the pros do it, they increase lot sizes and quantity when they are on a streak and decrease when they aren’t

here is the new refined (but still incomplete) version of this strategy here guys


It is not only much easier to use but its profit potential is much much better, happy trading :smiley:

SithJawa, are you still using your method? Are you still happy with it? Please provide an update if possible, thanks