đź’° June 2024: We now have our Midyear Giveaway Winners!

I know it’s been a while. But, how’s my favorite online trading community holding up?!

Before we know it, we’re about to reach the halfway mark of 2024. Time sure does fly when you’re making those pips!

Or losing them…

We welcomed 2024 with much enthusiasm, and we hope this carries on for the rest of the year. 2024 is far from over, and there’s so much to look forward to!

As for us at the Babypips team, starting 2024 with our Premium subscription has definitely been an exciting adventure! For a while now, our exclusive Premium content has been helping members prep for upcoming trading days, and level up their analysis and strategy skills!

It’s something we take pride in, and your support has been absolutely amazing!

In return, how about we turn up the celebration with, you guessed it, a much-deserved GIVEAWAY for the most awesome online trading community!

It’s been a hot minute since our last giveaway, and I’m sure you’re eager to delve into the deets of how to bank some bucks.

We all have our own unique takes on fundamental analysis, but for this giveaway, it’s time to let your imagination go WILD. So we want to know…

If fundamental analysis were an animal, which one would it be and why?

Whether it’s a wise old owl, a curious cat, or a stubborn donkey– we want to know which animal best represents fundamental analysis in your eyes!

Here’s how to qualify:

  1. Just reply to this post with your answer to the question above. No need to force yourself! Share only what you’re comfortable with sharing.
  2. Write at least 3 posts within the giveaway period. (For the newbies, you can write 3 posts anywhere in the forums. You can even introduce yourself in this thread!)

Easy peasy, right? Just like that, you’re in the running to reel in some extra moolah!

By the end of this giveaway, we will randomly pick the winners for the following:

  • 1 winner of Amazon gift card worth $50 & 6 months of Babypips Premium subscription
  • 2 winner of Amazon gift card worth $25 & 3 months of Babypips Premium subscription
  • 2 winners of Amazon gift card worth $15 & 3 months of Babypips Premium subscription

Should you prefer it, we can even give you your prize in BTC!

The giveaway period starts today, June 10, 2024 and ends on July 1, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST. We will announce the winners on this thread on July 1, 2024 so stay tuned for that!

*Please note that only TL2 and TL3 users are eligible for the Amazon gift cards worth $50. You must be a TL1 user to be eligible for the Amazon gift cards worth $25.

*The prizes will either be in an Amazon.com e-gift card or BTC format, which means we require the winners’ email addresses or crypto wallet addresses. Failure to respond with your information within 7 days will result in disqualification and selection of new winners.

We’re excited to hear from you! Good luck!


A tortoise. Fundamental analysis takes patience, is active over multiple timeframes, and can change at a moment’s notice. slow and steady wins the race. Like a tortoise.


I’m actually gonna sit this one out and give others a chance to win some prizes.

Have fun, everyone!


I’d been studying about Chameleon’s life lately when i got curious about an adage most common from my tradition which says
Chameleons don’t die young, it’s an abomination.

Found out that Chameleons lived most of their lives in their eggs and only lived little of their lives on earth.

If Fundamental was to be an animal, it would be a Chameleon. And just as it is evident in Chameleon’s life, it is also evident in Fundamentals.

— While fundamentals drive the market crazy with their numbers when they comes live, they’ve always been there living in price action.

— One very misconception about Chameleons is they change colours to reflect their environment. As someone who has seen and experiences Chameleons almost one in three years, they don’t change to reflect their environment but rather their emotions reflected through their colours.
So it is in fundamentals, the numbers don’t really reflect the correct value of the market but rather reflect the emotional value of individuals in macro-economic scale.


If we delve deeper into the comparison of fundamental analysis to an animal with a more analytical nature, we could draw parallels to a honeybee. Honeybees are known for their systematic approach to gathering nectar and producing honey, much like how fundamental analysis involves a structured examination of financial data and market trends to uncover the intrinsic value of assets. Just as honeybees **meticulously collect pollen from flowers to create honey, fundamental analysis meticulously evaluates various factors such as company earnings, industry trends, and economic indicators to make informed investment decisions. The diligent and methodical nature of honeybees resonates with the thorough and systematic process of fundamental analysis in the financial world.


An Elephant.

Here’s various reasons why I choose elephant

1.Solid Foundation: Fundamental analysis, much like an elephant, is known for its solid foundation and grounded approach. It focuses on the intrinsic value of a company or asset, examining factors such as financial statements, industry trends, and macroeconomic conditions - just as an elephant relies on its strong legs and large frame to support its weight.

  1. Patience and Diligence: Fundamental analysis requires patience and diligence, similar to the way an elephant methodically grazes and moves through its environment. It’s a slow, deliberate process of gathering and analyzing data to make informed investment decisions, rather than chasing short-term price movements.

3.Adaptability: Like an elephant, fundamental analysis can adapt to changing market conditions. As the landscape shifts, the fundamental analyst reassesses the underlying factors and adjusts their investment thesis accordingly, much like an elephant navigating different terrains and landscapes.

  1. Impressive Memory: Elephants are known for their impressive memory, and fundamental analysis relies on a deep understanding of a company’s history, past performance, and long-term trends. This accumulated knowledge helps the analyst make more informed decisions, similar to how an elephant’s memory guides its behavior and movements.

  2. Strength and Resilience: Fundamental analysis, like an elephant, is often seen as a more robust and resilient approach to investing, withstanding short-term market fluctuations and volatility. It’s a powerful tool that can help investors weather market storms and make informed, long-term decisions.


It would be an Owl. First, owls are often associated with wisdom and knowledge. Fundamental analysis relies on a deep understanding of economic indicators, geopolitical events, and other macroeconomic factors to make informed trading decisions. Additionally, owls have keen senses and are highly observant, much like a fundamental analyst who carefully studies and interprets a wide range of data to anticipate market movements. Owls are also known for their patience, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Similarly, fundamental analysis requires patience, as traders wait for the right economic conditions and signals to make their moves. Moreover, just as an owl hunts strategically, fundamental analysis involves a strategic approach to trading, considering long-term trends and big-picture economic shifts. Finally, owls can thrive in various environments, adapting to changes. On a similar note, fundamental analysts must also adapt to evolving economic landscapes and adjust their strategies accordingly. Thus, if fundamental analysis were an animal, the best one that can represent it is an owl.


I would say hyena.
The reason if very simple, fundamentals create noise in the market and disturb a well moving technical directions sometimes.


An Eagle. Using fundamental means you need a high sense of daily insight (Knowledge) in the News to spot trading opportunities.

If fundamental analysis were an animal, it would be an owl.

  • Night Vision: The owl has exceptional night vision, allowing it to see in the dark. Likewise, fundamental analysis allows investors to see beyond superficial appearances and understand the true fundamentals of a company.
    *Patience: Owls are known for their patience. They can wait for long periods of time until prey is within reach of their claw. Similarly, investors doing fundamental analysis should be patient and wait until they find undervalued companies.
  • Precision: Owls are very precise hunters. They have a success rate of around 50%, which is very high for a predator. Investors who perform fundamental analysis also strive to be accurate in their evaluations of companies.
  • Wisdom: Owls are considered wise animals. They are often associated with knowledge and scholarship. Investors who perform fundamental analysis must also be wise and have a good understanding of business and finance.
    In short, the owl is an animal that represents the key characteristics of fundamental analysis: night vision, patience, precision and wisdom.

Of course i’m gonna go with something that has CAT in it! I choose a CATFISH!

I have seven (7) reasons why I chose CATFISH as my representation for fundamental analysis and they are as follows:

(1) CATFISH has “CAT” in it and that in itself is more than enough reason! It’s pawesome! :smiley_cat:

(2) Catfish are DIVERSE and there are as many as three thousand (3,000) species of catfish out there! Much like Fundamental analysis, there are so many diverse ways on how to do it! We can look up financial and economic reports from financial reporting institutions and government agencies or press releases. We can listen to the news and discussions by regulators, lawmakers, and political leaders. We can look up analyst data and interpretations from one-too-many sources. We can take a jab at analyzing the microeconomic and macroeconomic ratios and figures of a given country or a given market. There are so many ways to go about it with both qualitative and quantitative approaches to analyze economic data!

(3) Catfish are OPPORTUNISTIC FEEDERS and they are flexible on what kind of food source they get sustenance from. This is much like Fundamental analysis, where the trader adapts his style and approach to a given prospective trade based on what the data tells him. Sometimes, the data tells you to swing, sometimes the data tells you to position! Fundamental analysis doesn’t give you the same exact treat everytime!

(4) Catfish are BOTTOM DWELLERS, spending most of their time at or near the bottom of rivers, lakes, and ponds. Fundamental analysis can sometimes more effectively than technical analysis give you a sense of identifying the tops and bottoms of a given commodity or a market. With fundamental valuations, we have a benchmark on what our expected figures should be at the least or at the most (give or take a dose of irrationality. Heehee)

(5) Some species of catfish are ELECTRIC. Electric catfish, such as the electric catfish of Africa, have a specialized organ called the electric organ that can generate electrical pulses. Sometimes, Fundamental analysis can help you be on the right side of a trade especially for market moves that can only be described as electric! Talk about the NFP! :wink:

(6) Catfish have an extraordinary lifespan. There have been reports of catfish reaching over 60 years of age! Much like fundamental analysis, sometimes it can take years or even decades for the market to confirm and reflect what the numbers and analysis show! Sometimes, fundamental plays do take their sweet time! :sweat_smile:

(7) Catfish are skilled hunters. Some species, like the Flathead catfish, have sharp, needle-like teeth to capture and devour their prey with precision. Fundamental analysis takes a lot of skill and specialization too! To be able to understand (let alone come up with a tradeable conviction on) economic data, one needs ample training, experience, and research and analysis skills! Simply put, it’s not for the weak, impatient, or lazy. :smile_cat:


May you break resistances and reach new highs!

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Reason - Sudden change with no warning at all. Cannot really understand the behavior even though been together (i.e studied) for a very long time.

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LOL I loved this one and cant agree more

A Snake

In the world of stock trading, the term “snake” is a slang term used to describe a deceitful trader who manipulates the market to their advantage… This can be done through various means, such as insider trading, spreading false rumour’s, or manipulating prices to trigger stop-loss levels…

In addition to these tactics, snake traders may also engage in other unethical practices, such as front-running, spoofing, or churning… Front-running involves a trader buying a security before a large order is executed… Knowing that the price will go up… Spoofing involves placing orders with no intention of executing them to trick other traders into buying or selling at a certain price point…


The term “snake” originated from the reptile’s reputation for being sneaky and sly, which is exactly how a snake trader operates… These traders are often considered unethical and can cause significant harm to other traders and the market as a whole…

To avoid falling victim to snake traders, investors should always conduct thorough research and analysis before placing any trades… They should also be wary of news and social media posts that may be false or misleading…


Oooh! :blush: Interesting question. :smiley: Tbh, I’d like to think I’m more of a technical analysis kind of girl. :sweat_smile: So it might seem weird but when I think of fundamental analysis, I think of crows or like migrating birds. Hahaha. :smiley: Somehow, it gives you a warning of what’s to come and that the environment is changing. Whether it’s a change in season or an approaching thunderstorm, you should learn to adapt nonetheless. :thinking:


Interesting answer! :blush: Hahaha. I just wonder if this would count since technically, fundamental analysis has a lot to do with humans and what’s happening to us. :smiley: But we ARE animals so makes sense!

If fundamental analysis were an animal it would be a tortoise because just like a tortoise relies on its perseverance and meticulous pace to win the race, fundamental analysis emphasizes careful and thorough evaluation of financial health, long term prospects, and competitive advantage over time.

I think a fantastic animal to represent fundamental analysis is the beaver . Here’s why:

  • Solid Builder: Fundamental analysis emphasizes strong foundations. Just like a beaver meticulously constructs its dam with sturdy branches and logs, fundamental analysis focuses on a company’s core strength - its financials, competitive advantages, and long-term prospects. Both the beaver and the analyst are looking for stability and sustainability.
  • Gathers Resources Wisely: Beavers are resourceful creatures, collecting and using materials strategically. Similarly, fundamental analysis involves deep research and gathering information from various sources - financial statements, industry trends, and economic data.
  • Patient and Long-Term Focused: Building a dam is a long-term project for a beaver. They steadily work towards their goal, undeterred by short-term distractions. Likewise, fundamental analysis takes a long-term view, prioritizing a company’s potential for consistent growth over fleeting market fluctuations.

This combination of diligent building, resourcefulness, and long-term focus makes the beaver a great mascot for the patient and strategic world of fundamental analysis.

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Yay! Another giveaway and great prizes! Good luck to all the participants!