Hey all! I’m Shad. late to the game by many years - I should have done this in my early 20’s!
But hey, here we are - I’m trying to build up multiple incomes so I can start working on the things I want to work on rather than keep working because I HAVE to. I’m a creative at heart and just want to make videos and music all day but that doesn’t currently pay the bills so until it can I need to figure out a way to do that in a less time consuming way (i.e not working 70 hours a week to pay bills)
I’m hoping Forex will help me build a bit of capital - from my current meagre savings to something a bit larger and enough to let my creative side flourish without having to worry about money all the time. I’d most likely be starting small and hopefully build up a decent amount to keep trading forex with whilst taking some of my profits for other opportunities.
I probably have no idea what I’m doing but I guess that’s why we’re here! To learn and grow and hopefully make some money!