Just another guy hoping Forex is the answer

Hey all! I’m Shad. late to the game by many years - I should have done this in my early 20’s!

But hey, here we are - I’m trying to build up multiple incomes so I can start working on the things I want to work on rather than keep working because I HAVE to. I’m a creative at heart and just want to make videos and music all day but that doesn’t currently pay the bills so until it can I need to figure out a way to do that in a less time consuming way (i.e not working 70 hours a week to pay bills)

I’m hoping Forex will help me build a bit of capital - from my current meagre savings to something a bit larger and enough to let my creative side flourish without having to worry about money all the time. I’d most likely be starting small and hopefully build up a decent amount to keep trading forex with whilst taking some of my profits for other opportunities.

I probably have no idea what I’m doing but I guess that’s why we’re here! To learn and grow and hopefully make some money!


Welcome! Be sure to complete Pipsology!

you are in ur 30s ,to make it in forex ,one would spend thousands of dollars and decade to achieve ,so my advice is don’t give up ,and work hard ,on your job of course . good pip

Working my way through the course at the moment! There’s a lot to take in hah. I wish I had all the content in video format as well as I take that in a llot better than reading though!

Its been a while since I’ve used a forum also but this place seems lovely so far :slight_smile:

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if you have your passion with FR like this, you could reach your dream.
Study hard and good luck!

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Where you posting your stuff? You can be an influencer!

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