Just check out my performance I'm hipped as hell

Yeah - sad. isn’t :sunglasses:

LOL brah, it was a typo let it go :smiley: I meant hyped. then I didnt change it i thought people would forget that :smiley:

Huh? no clue of what? :smiley: you mean u have no clue if Im a God or not?

He means no clue about hipped LOL :rofl:

Boom, Crash and other synthetic indices are questionable at best. The word synthetic literally means ‘fake’ as they are since the price and volume are synthetically created based on a random number generator. You aren’t trading against anyone and the market will move the same, even if you are the only person on earth trading at the time.

This is 100% trading against the broker and not even possible to trade along with the banks or other institutional traders. How long do you think a business is going to give away their profit before they manipulate their proprietary bid and ask prices, especially if they are taking all the risk as the counter party to every single trade on their platform?

They even tell you in the name what will happen.
Boom - blow your account
Crash - game over

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Thanks for the information, but there are a lot of useless indicators, it could be more useful to mention what indicator you suggest using; thats what people are looking for :smiley:

you seem to be confusing “indices” and “indicators,” there, @OpheliaReyes :neutral_face:

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Oh, you are right, I wasn’t paying attention lol, you know, I was looking for these indicators in the tradingview just now :smiley:

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no shortage of those, there - including some good ones (i like the way their “Renko” gives you a choice of ATR-based or traditional!) :sunglasses:

Indices is the plural of index. 1 synthetic index or many synthetic indices. Speaking about the asset class that you trade not indicators for analysis.

Yea, I first thought you are saying indicators lol; sorry for that. Thanks anyways for your comment.

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Omg that’s hilarious. You meant HYPED hahhahaha. And also no, I will not forget it because it’s literally in your title :joy:

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