Just Looking Ahead To The Future

I love predictions and this is looking like something I really want to get into so I can improve my analytical brain. I want to be able to make my own trades and understand and improve on both the good and the bad. I believe going through this course will put me in a better position to make bolder more important steps into the financial market as a manager/accountant in hope I can someday start something I will absolutely appreciate love and cherish as a person

Sounds like you’re really cut out to be a successful trader later down the road. This site is really helpful and should be able to help you get off to a great start. Hoping that you meet your goals!

FX trading is a great challenge, and fun. Seek out a position in regulated broker firm if you need a short cut to experience.

Best of luck.

A good strategy can make you rich in this market.

Welcome welcomeee. :blush: Very interesting introduction. :blush: Haha. You have very interesting goals that are mostly based on self-improvement and growth and I think it’s great! :smiley: Forex will definitely teach you a lesson or two. :blush: I wish you all the best! :smiley: Good luck! :slight_smile: