Just saw these little badges <3

I’ve been super busy lately so I only got to see these profile badges. I’m sure everyone’s talked about them a while back. :sweat_smile: But suuuuper cute! :blush: Makes me wonder though if I got any other badge than the featured one. :smiley: Is there any way to know?

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Congrats! Yes, it’s super cool

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Thank youuuu! :blush: Haha. I’m sure you’ll have your own pretty soon too! :blush: I don’t think we’ve interacted a lot in the past, but hope we can change that! :stuck_out_tongue: Haha.


I don’t know my future here at babypips though but i will keep making the little contributions i could make inasmuch am here.

Lol, you were among those who welcomed me to the community on introduction in Jan '22. I’ve been a follower of every of your contributions since then. Ty

i’m only guessing, and i speak with absolutely no express or implied authority at all on the subject, but i can’t help wondering whether it might be more secure if you didn’t keep mentioning your book: i appreciate that promoting and trying to sell it it isn’t the reason you’re here, but it’s still rather noticeable, so i think it might perhaps look that way to some people, and that might not be universally well-received(?) … just a theory! :wink:

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I’m not here for that and i have been warned anyway, of which i had stop. By saying my future, i mean coming to babypips regularly. Though i will always try to stop by anyway as i look further to be involved in some community responsibilities in the future. Isn’t the badge mean’t for regular members? I became active some couple of months now, can’t predict but i will try to keep it going, i’ve fell in love with the community already.


Understandable! :blush: Let’s make the most of your time here, but of course I also hope you get to spend more time here and interact with the other members. :blush:

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Ok but now I’m intrigued lol Didn’t even know he had a book! :joy: