Just starting my forex adventure and am grateful for this site and this forum

My name is Patrick from the United States and I live in Texas. I am truly thankful for Babypips.com
I am just getting started in the Forex market and this site has been so informative with the most streamlined and easy to understand information. I especially appreciate the examples with all the lessons. I look forward to learning from the users on this forum and I wish you all the prosperity you can handle.


Hello! What part of Texas? I spent my childhood near Dallas.

Did you trade any other markets before coming to fx?


May the forx be with you.

Hello Patrick, welcome to our forex community. Thanks for the positive feedback on our educational site!

Hello Adrian,
I am in Austin and I love it here.
I have not traded in any markets but have invested in metals for some time. I really did well with the actual physical metals years ago when gold and silver really spiked. Forex really appeals to me more than the other markets for many reasons. I hope to do well and I wish you the best also.
Thank You

Thank you and I hope to add to and take from the education on the site.
Have a great day/night.

I love Austin. I have some people there and visit once a year or so at least. I did a physical silver trade from 09 to 11 that did very nicely. Have not touched metal since. Forex is certainly where the liquidity is, most of the time anyway. What sort of approach are you considering?
