Hello there babypips community! Today I would like to briefly introduce myself to everyone, get situated, and explain why I am here. I hope you enjoy reading!
My name is Kenneth (Nickname: Kenny) and I come from Massachusetts! I enjoy small hobbies such as sound design, writing, and occasionally gaming. I want to get into FX trading as it’s peaked my interest lately, I wish to have that profitable lifestyle, as well as learning the discipline and being fully committed to my work. I am very easy to work with as well as being manageable, so I hope to build a bond with many people here!
Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction!
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Good intro- now, just don’t give up like 99% of people.
Welcome Kenny. To reach a profitable lifestyle be prepared to work hard for many years to become consistently successful. Forex is not a get rich quick scheme, but rather a slow and steady process towards your end goal. As such, many noobs just give up when the reality sinks in that it’s difficult to be profitable.
This free education site offers courses for you to learn. Just take it one step at a time, open a demo account, and experiment. Construct a plan (write it down) which would take you to where you want to be, and how you’re going to achieve this.
First lesson - this is critical - learn how NOT TO LOSE MONEY by understanding and controlling risk and money management. Then you’ll still be in the game while others lose their capital. Without capital you cannot trade.
Second, psychological lesson - to have a mindset of patience and discipline at all times. Never overtrade, chase losses, or seek revenge for failed trades. It is normal to experience losses, get over it and move on.
I’ll cut it short here - hopefully it gives you an insight on how to proceed.
Best of luck.
Of course. I have no intentions of giving up. It would do me good in other real world situations as well for discipline, patience, and such. Thank you for the warm welcome!
Thank you for your organized and helpful response! I will gladly take the commitment to work hard for many years to reach that genuine success. I understand it is not a get rich quick scheme, this is a real thing real people do, and it will come with losses.